kisssssss....for my readers...

Thursday 1 November 2012

the FM part 5

Warning : some content may shock        some of you !
Part 5:The wound...

This game is officially over Khushi Kumari Gupta ! that will be a lesson hard enough  to hurt you  :
He suddenly pushs her on the bed, separate her legs, take off his manhood and savagely, he enters on her…he pushes his body…one, two, three time, he makes his way inside her…deep inside…
Shocked…she can't understand what's going on???...all her body is frozen…that was what exactly…she just can't understand… she feels torn, wounded …it was her first time…she knows from the beginning that this will happen like this…but after seeing his tender face…She thought that…that maybe…the devil hide a nice side…but no…tears are involuntary leaving her red eyes…tired from crying again and again…
He can do anything to not meet her eyes…now, that he's doing that to her …now that he violate her innocence…now that he, like any criminal, is torturing her…he can't …he…
What's this?... blood??…he remember …she's a virgin…and he forced her and…he ignore what to do now that all this blood…
When he looks at her…her eyes are closed…
-Khushi! Khushi! Khushi….answer me damn it ! Khushi! You wake up…this is an order…he screams, hug her tightly…
-this is not funny, Khushi…
He carries her to the bathroom…tensed like never…
She opens her eyes:
-You …you'….re…
-Shhh…I'm …sor…I'm here…I'm here!
He hugs her, puts her on the bath…wet her face with some water …she still bleeding…he then put his fingers at her intimacy and try to stop it…it's ok…it work…no more blood …he cover her with a towel then they return to the bed…he covers her with the blanket…she's on his arms, like a baby now…she breathe normally …now, she's safe…he just try to kill her…he's nothing…he's cruel…even more…for what? she the criminal???…is she the one who transfer his life into hell???…is she the one who makes his days a torture…is she the one who deserve this?...the answer make him hate himself more and more…
K: -I…I'm…
A: -I know…just relax…
K: -I need to eat something…I didn't eat anything since yesterday morning…
A: -What? Are you crazy??
He run to the kitchen…wishes that he can find something…
A cup of milk and some jalebi …that what he can find…he really didn't think about this…
Khushi was about to faint again…she had no force to do anything…it's not only about this night and all that torture…it was about all the week…it was about all the previous period…she ignored herself…her health and… even when she tends her hand to pick a jalebi… she was betrayed by her strength…
A: -Wait …I will do it…
He fed her…like a little girl…she eats from his hand…Jalebi has never tasted so good…she hates milk but all the glass of milk is empty now…he makes her  drink it…
A:- try to sleep now…
K:-I can't…
A:-of course you can…close your eyes…just close them!
She closes her eyes… he takes her hand between his…
She sleeps peacefully in no time…he feels guilty and dirty…she's a kid…still a baby…how he dare????…you're showing your power to a person like her ??????…
When she opens her eyes…he was there…he looks at her…worried…she thinks that it's a dream…she still sleeping…she closes her eyes and when she opens them again…he disappears…she hear a sound…the  door of the bathroom closed…
In the bathroom…Arnav enters the shower…and let the cold water fall in all his body and clothes…that was the longest night in his life…he was worried…he was about to lose her???!!…he can't believe it was him…him who…? …No…So, the hardness and painful days he lived have transformed him into a strange person….into a monster...when he looks at the floor…he saw the blanket with the traces of blood…blood…he hates blood…he just can't look at it…

16 years ago…
He has only 8 years…he enters the bedroom to wake his father…
He opened the door and…saw…a red liquid on the floor…he get scared but he remember what her father always say to him ''my son is a man…a man never get scared, never …'' he advances in the room…
It was like any morning ... like every morning…he used to wake his father…it was their little and secret ritual…
It was like any morning…like every morning…his mother prepares their breakfast…his little sister plays with her doll...she is singing and her little voice still ringing in his ears …the smell of the coffee…and that red liquid…
His father wasn't on the bed…where is he? …even if he's awake …he never leaves the bed …he always waits for him to come…it's their ritual…every morning…at the same time…and that red liquid…
He advances…following it …and then…his dad…on the floor…why my daddy is sleeping on the floor…and why when I tries to wake him…he don't opens his eyes? And what's this dark red hole in the middle of his forehead…and what does this pistol in his hand…???? he wants to play the cowboy game…well…he hates this game…he hates pistols…he wants his daddy…
Tears filled his eyes, he sees everything blurring…he tries to take those tears away but he just can't…he just can't …
-father wake up ! wake up…you're getting late…
-daddy wake up the breakfast is ready…
-daddy! Your juice …I … I put your fresh juice on the table…
-daddy…if you wake up …I promise…I promise I will get a good mark in geography … Now, I know all the capital of each country…you can ask me…ask me …dad …please …
-are you up set with me? Because I beat my friend????
Dad…why?...why ? was like any morning…dad…why? can tell me …I was just a kid…my sister… stops talking to us… since that morning…no more songs…doctor said that she is unable to talk anymore…she will talk when she decide…why?…I'm making many efforts to get the voice of my sister back…to get the smile of my mum back…dad …I'm tired to see her tears every day till… now…dad…I hate all the world since that day…Dad…I was asking them…why?...why? …why? And there's no answer…
Why my daddy is not answering me that morning mum?  …that was my first question…
When I grow up…I ask her …why the pistol was in my daddy's hand? …he kills himself? ...people can kill themselves?? …my mum never answers me…she don't answer …she only cry…
For 10 years, there is no answer but tears…and …
One day…the truth was reveled…all the truth…


  1. so his father committed suicide...
    nyc part

  2. arnav father committee sucide aww ...

    love to see ARNAV handling Kushi as child

  3. omg is father committed suicide ..............
