kisssssss....for my readers...

Monday, 1 April 2013

Important Note...

should I stop writing??
I'm really upset...
I don't know why...
I'm the only writer of Arshi Fanfic who is updating frequently...still I'm the only one who has few comments...
seeing less comments...I'm thinking that it doesn't interest you anymore...
should I stop?
I'm thinking seriously about it....
I know I'm doing something I love but I'm writing also for you and if I don't see your interest...then...why should I post what I write? why should I share that with you? 
I'm maybe not good enough...
I don't know...
you tell me...


  1. no way r u crazy

    yes u r the crazy girl

    u should continue writing

    i love all of ur work

    it's really amazing not just good

    hey come on don't stop plzzzz

  2. are amazing writer and i love your stories very much...plzzzzzz don't stop..why you said that???!!!

  3. crazy u r the best
    i love ur writing
    u cant leave ur true readerz who love ur updates
    plzzz dont go :((((((((((((

  4. no...crazygirl u r the best writer...
    u cant leave ur readers like this...
    we love u and ur work whole heartly..
    u are amazing writer with god bless...
    dont stop writing...
    plz update soon........

  5. No please don't say so !!! we really enjoy yur work !!
    personally i check your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY !!
    sometimes it's hard for me to comment when am connected via my phone and it's complicated to tape a comment while you are on a train or a moving car and am sure this is the same for so many people but this doesn't mean we don't care !!
    (IF user nadiaben)

  6. Honey you are an excelent writer !! no body can makes fall in love with a fictional litle girl who can't prononce the letter "s" !! i swear am stating to children because of litle Lily !! ( i know this is insane but this is the reality )
    i really enjoy your stories and i appeciate your dedication because you do update regularli witch is really nice and generus of you !
    i supose you like writing so i will be a litle greedy and ask yu to keep charing your beautiful work and keep making us happy !

  7. hey plzzzz don't stop writing
    love reading ur ff
    such a brilliant and talented writer
    plz dont quit
    really enjoy readdy your writing soo funny and very romantic

  8. u r kidding ryt? And Its april 1st :3

  9. Hi, Dear
    Please don't do that to us.
    Please please please u should continues your writing.
    We love your writing.
    You r a brilliant & u can't leave your truly lover redears we loveeeee your updates & we personally cheek your blog every day.
    Waiting for the updates
    Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please Please please upDate sooooooon

  10. Yur realy good at writing
    Love yur storiea esp the angel one:))
    Yu should continuee

  11. Yaar don't do that nahi to m gnna die!
    Your stories are fantastic...luv them a lot.
    I m literally dying to read your FOR MY ANGEL one of your amazing ff..
    Plz update soon and don't you dare stop writing:p

  12. what the!! noway in hell don't u dare yr
    u r awsam n fantastic writer
    i love u n ur writing u r my fav :(
    plz don't even think abt stoping ur stories i may die

  13. Arey no no no no no plsssss don't do that you are d one of best Arshi writers. And we all love you.

  14. What the.. How can u stop? Plz dont yar.. You write so awesome plz dont do this

  15. How come you think about stop writing???....from where did you get this ridiculous idea??!!!...
    I am one of them who always stalk this site only for your stories about arshi.....
    don't even think about least you have crazy like you! you want to abandon your own crazy people?!!!!...

    don't do this yaar.....:(

  16. You are an amazing writer. I love reading ur stories. Its only because of the fan fictions that we are not badly missing arhi. So pls dont stop writing about arhi.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. you have given me a heart could u even think like that..i started reading ur ff when i read forced marriage in india forum..i really in love with "for my angel"..and i always try to comment... so please never ask should I stop writing?? u r the best..

  19. hi
    i love ur writing
    Please don't do that to us.
    You r amazing writer

  20. No pls dnt do dat
    ur all stories r amazing
    pls dnt stop writing!!!

  21. no plz don't do that..
    update next parts of your FF and SS plzzzzzzzzzzz

  22. Please don't do this yar I love your ff please update next part soon

  23. when smth is so close to ur heart that u dont even know how much u love that
    cause u never ask ur heart
    and when this thing quetioning ur love, u started blaming urself to not make her known that how much u love that
    so today its my fault,our fault that u think we r not interested to u anymore
    we LOVE u dear n LOVE ur work
    so much that we thought : no need to tell ( yes we r crazy like u)
    dont stop writting ever
    we love u damn it

  24. Hi dear... Please don't stop writing.. We all love ur work,,, don't stop it...

  25. hey girly where did that come from :). we all love your work and the fact that u update so frequently. if are sp concerned abt the number of comments thn i can comment twice on 1 part wht say? ;). as far as you think that u get less comments thn it may be because very few people have access to your blog. u can advertise your blog through pm on IF but abt writing plz dnt quit i dnt want you to quit i enjoy your writing a perfect blend of chemistry and basic stroy line. i love the fact that though you write mature content it doesnt range to vulgar or p.rn level unlike some writers on IF. so as a reader of your work i forbid you to quit writing. plzzzzz dnt do tht.

  26. ofcourse u r one of the writers of Arshi Fanfic who is updating frequently.and its worthy 2 comment on ur updates.. And ur an amazing writer so dnt stop keep writing plz.. and i luv ur Plz plz plz dnt stop writing.. :(

  27. A BIG FAT NO , TO YOUR QUESTION. You are not allowed to stop writing. lol. you are the best to update . so dont even think about stop writing. suna tum ne.

  28. hey plzzzz don't stop writing
    love reading your stories

  29. donot stop writing yaaar
    i love to read ur work
    todays' update i loved the most
    lily is a darling
    loved the way arnav said he takes their relation seriously...ASR style...
    waiting for more


  30. love it.
    happy arnav is taking their relationship seriously

  31. Please don't stop writing on ArHi..
    I really love to read your works..
    Please don't leave us..

  32. fantastic updates dear:)


  33. Lovely update ...
    Slowly they r started to speaking abt their relationship ...
    please dont stop writing ....

  34. wow......beautiful part.
    they r slowly prograsng in there relation ship.
    little lilly iz so cute.
    n hey....plzz..plzz...plzzz never ever think about stop writng.
    ur such a amzng n god gifted writer.
    i lovd ur writng very much.
    m-g19 4rm if

  35. awesome updatee...
    wow no deal now gr88... :D

  36. Your Fictions are awesome

  37. Its me melihoney dear. I just love ur fictions and dont u dare say that u should stop writing and if u do, i will kill u for sure. Love u lots dear and pls continue ur awesome for us.
