kisssssss....for my readers...

Monday, 15 April 2013

for my angel chap33

For my angel:
Chap 33:

Waiting for you...

Only two days and he will come back…
Khushi smiled…
She thought a little…what she should do to welcome him?
She will cook his favorite dish…
Does she ever know what he prefers to eat?
She thought a little bit and then looking at her baby doll playing she stops her:
-what’s the favorite dish of Arnavji…I mean your paa?
Lily thought a little bit…
-paa loves all the food!
-my angel! I know that but what his really favorite favorite dish…the kind of food that he adores…
-I know!...rice! he loves it!
-but…this is not special…
-rice with chicken!
Khushi smiles:
-but…this is your favorite lily!       
-chote don’t have any favorite dish but he loves all the home made dishes…
Anjeli smiles looking at her troubled sister-in-law…
-he never tasted your cooking …
Khushi nodded…
-you should cook something for him…
Nani comes and sit with them…
-decide what you want to make and everything you need, we will bought…
Khushi smiles and nodded…
-thank you…
Nani makes an angry expression and then she smiles…
-khushi…don’t thank us! the day you entered this home, you become our daughter…you and your Buaji are part of this family…you and her are so nice and kind to us…I know that we will never get to know better people that both of you…my chote is lucky and my lily…finally…
Nani has tears in her eyes and so is khushi…both hugging each other feeling the need to do that…khushi loves all of them…especially in this period when Arnav is absent…she smelled in them his scent…his grandmother…his sister, his daughter…those are the ones Arnav love…those are the ones Arnav always cares…
Khushi took care of them the way she took care of her buaji…
Arnav doesn’t forget her about Buaji…she finds that he has contacted another hospital before he left…her buaji  has to see another famous doctor after he comes…the appointment is next week…khushi knows that an appointment with such doctor would take an eternity …but Arnav did this for her…
With every day…she missed him more…
She’s seeing him in every corner of the house…
Every detail…reminds her him…
But her favorite time was the night…when she could see her phone lighting announcing his call…she felt on the top of the world…
They talk about everything…with him…
Some memories about school…family…about gardening, books, childhood, she told him about her parents, he told her too about how much naughty boy he was…and then they talk about Lily…for long…he told her many things she ignored about his work…he teased her that his work was most important than hers but she teased him as he would never be in that position if he doesn’t learn all that from teachers and she’s a teacher…he laughed so much…
When she told him how much she used to hate him…he laughed so much too…it sounds like a confession…
“I hated you so much”
What about now…if she has the courage to tell him I hated you then …things had changed …Totally changed…
One day is left…and Arnav will come back…
It was late in the evening…
Everyone was in his room…
Khushi took a long bath to waste as much time as she can…
Lily watched as much cartoon as she could and slept like an angel…
Khushi was feeling troubled…
She knows that the moment she will see him…she doesn’t know what will happen???
No,, she dreamed about that moment for so long…
She prepared what she will wear…
She prepared what she will cook…
She prepared herself body and soul so well to accept him totally as her own husband…
For now, she wears her night white clothes…and covered lily well…kissing her forehead…
She went to the poolside…
Sushi was there and looks at her lazily…
Stood up excited for a moment but when he saw that khushi wasn’t in the mood to play…he just keeps following her moves with wide eyes…
-Sushi? You better sleep…you know am just taking care of Arnavji plants…he was right when he said you’re a trouble…look! What you did to this plant of his!
Khushi aroused like every night his plants…
Sushi barked…
-yes! I do care for them so much! And if you touch one of these plants, next time, I will never talk to you! …and don’t look at me like that! …ok, fine! I know you regret!
The puppy looks at her with his innocent eyes…and barked trying to answer her…it was like he was understanding all what she was saying…
-here…he still doesn’t call me yet…what if he will not call…thinking that any way he will see me tomorrow and like that he will be busy now and he will not call?
She asked all worried…and then:
-oh no…he promised …he will call…
Khushi was arousing the plants and talking like a crazy to Sushi when she felts a sudden, aggressive embrace pulling her from behind…
Two hands encircling her waist…they almost lifting her from the floor…
With the shock she yelled but one hand comes to shut her mouth…
-shhhh…it’s me…
That’s it for khushi…
Hearing that voice…she given up…totally…
She faints…
Still in his arms…Arnav makes her face him…and then he carried her to the nearby chair in there…
After seconds she opens her eyes…
He was kneeling besides her…
-khushi…you’re ok?
-am dreaming…
She whispered to herself…pulling her hand to her forehead…
-am…not well…
-no!...I’m also hearing him?
-khushi! is this the way you welcome me?
Khushi finally looks at him and then she touched his cheek with one hand…
She cupped his face:
-is that really you?
-I changed that much?
He asked ironically before he gives his famous smirk…she jumped on him…she hugged him so tight…he stands up to hug her more comfortably…
And then he finds himself sitting in the chair taking her on his laps…like a baby…and she was crying in his arms…
He knows her …so much sensitive…emotional…so, he tried his best to make her feel better…
-enough…now! I’m here…
With her teary eyes…wet cheeks…rosy swollen lips…she pecks his lips…
He was tired…and his tired look makes him sexy to kill…
He loosened his neck tie…his hair was messy and his left stubble making him look even more handsome…he has a killer look …no doubt…
Naturally, khushi was touching him…feeling free to hold him…to hug him to her…
-you’re hungry?...I should think about it…I was supposed to cook all your lunch for tomorrow thinking your flight will be tomorrow…
-I wanted to surprise you!...and no…let it be all this hungry stuff…I missed you and my lily too much, I just can’t wait more…
Khushi smiles at the start but at his last words she blushed…
-lily is sleeping…come and see her!
Khushi holds his hand making him enter their room…
Arnav couldn’t resist…to not wake his angel up…
He kissed lily till she opened her eyes and madly hugged her paa…
With sleepy eyes…she was looking at him…
She cupped his face with her cute tiny hands and then she told him how much she mithed him…how she loves him…
Arnav has to go away from them a little to go and greets the other members of the family…
But when he comes back…he finds that no one of them was sleeping, both are waiting him…he smiles…
 -who is waiting for me?
Lily yelled despite her laziness…
Arnav hasn’t the time to freshen up…he just jumps in bed beside them…he really doesn’t want to make them wait more for him…


  1. y its seem a short update
    i m waiting fir this update very eagrly
    may be thats y it seems short
    i love arnav surprise
    lily nd sushi r cute :*

    1. ohhh yeah i m frst one lol :D

  2. wowwww wowww wowwwwwwww
    i love surprisesssssss n im faint when its come from our arnav
    u r such a brilliant writer ever dear
    this is the best for part 33 :*
    the way u bought the line ''what if he will not call…thinking that any way he will see me tomorrow'' ''oh no…he promised …he will call…''
    superbbbb dear
    n then the way he come ohhhhhhh ^^^^^
    i love u dear

  3. wooow that's was sooo amazing update

    loved so much

    arnav give khushi amazing surprise

    khushi is so cute when she was talking to sushi

    and ofcourse lily is sooooooo cute

    continue soon

    will be waiting 4 it :)

  4. loved it
    love arnav surprise
    short update
    next time plz long update

  5. Amazing update. Wow, Arnav suprised both his angels. Khushi's reaction was hilarious. He cant keep his angels waiting, how sweet.
    Naughty lily, she told her favourite dishes when asked about her paa. Khushi was all set to welcome him. No probs, she can prepare them tomorrow. Khushi's conversation with sushi was so cute.

  6. Lily is realy cute.....
    'I know! rice' that ws so good:*
    n mst importantly ws the surprise,,,it ws the best..
    This ff is becoming more romantic day by day..can't resist it!

  7. Lily is soo cute... and Arnav came back....
    this is soo lovely update...
    cute one

  8. The surprise was really gud!!!
    W8ing 4 the next part....

  9. was cute update ... but was TOO TOO short i was expecting more when he is back .. anyway plz plz plz post the next one soon and surly we need it HOT romance between of them ..UR AMAZING

  10. What a bbeautiful update !!
    i ;loved how Lily named her favourite food instead of her dad's !
    i also loved the surprise visit it was so romantic !
    i m waiting for more romance next update ;)
    (IF nadiaben)

  11. wow i knew he will make a surprise for her awww
    not only Arnav cant wait... but all of us here cant wait lol :P
    khushi was hilarious ...yeah shes dreaming wahahaha XD

  12. its superbbbb
    i love this family so damn much
    so swwwwweeeeeeet

  13. cute update...
    little lily is so cute......
    aww khushi wants to prepare his favorite food...
    and arnav wants 2 surprise them....
    i love this cute family........

  14. wow lovely update.....
    cute little family........beautiful i loved it....

    from jenji08

  15. Chotu update. But very effective n meaningful update. Loved it

    Kaulpriyanka (IF)

  16. Lovely update
    But short part....plz next update long one
    Continue soon

  17. so sweet yaar............they are really angels....!!!
    wonderful update.....

  18. cute update...really love it....update soon

  19. wow.....what a cute family reunion .
    very beautiful update .
    plzzz...update super soon.cant wait 2 read more.

  20. ouf enfin HE COMEBACK
    and the entry was fabulous i like it
    he listened to all her conversation with the dog and her worried if he doesn't call
    how he left her from the waist and his SHHH IT'S ME " it's kelling me with his husky voice
    now hit cute family wainting for him at the bed
    whar next????
    amazing update merci ma belle

  21. very nice short update... arnav surprise khushi by coming earlier :)
    waiting for next step between them

  22. aaww!!! da suprise!!! :D n ya ssooryy cudnt comment 4m loooong time... was busy wid my xams..!! read all da parts missed in a go! oo could'nt actulaay comment on all parts.. hope u understand me! n p.m me 4 da next updates :) :) Neextt parrt ASAP pllzzjj!!!

  23. Nice update... Arnav surprised both Khushi and Lily by coming one day earlier..
    Please give me access to your restricted blog, I have already PM you from IF, I am very keen to read your new FF - Desire. Thanks - Reality Truth

  24. awww ... Update was so cute .. such a cute and adorable family .. awwww ♥_♥
    i luv dis story ♥

  25. Brilliant update :)
    Love it a lot
    Love Arnav surprise
    Beautiful written
    Waiting for the next update
    Please Contiunes sooooooon

  26. their light hearted banter was cute.
    the efforts they both are making for each other are great.

  27. loved the update si cute he surprised her before she could surprise him awesome update super cute how the were missing each ither and khsuhi thought she was hallucinating when he caught her awesome update thanks for the pm

  28. Adorable updates loved them

  29. wow..........
    its sooooooooooooooo cute update !!!!!

  30. hey hi:)
    am new follower of ur story n til nw i ve read oly for my angel ff
    i just loved it ya read all the parts in one short
    it s very cute:}

  31. loved the update....khushi thought she was dreaming of him.....she is really crazy to talk to shushi
    loved it....
    waiting for more

  32. I just started reading ur ff for my anel and have already finshed all the chapters within 2 days, thats how much i love it. Where was this blog before? Cant believe i didnt find it ill now. I absolutly love the relationship arnav shares wih lily its soooo cute. Cant wait for the next chapter. Plz pm me of IF if u update next. I promise to comment.
    My user name on IF is NKayani

  33. Kushi wanted to surprise Arnav and at the end she got surprised lovely update
    tnx 4 d pm

  34. wow! lovely part.....
    khushi was ready to give arnav surprise by cooking....
    she really missed him....
    anjali n nani happy to see khushi happy...
    arnav gave her surprise.....
    khushi was so surprised that she
    then arnabv wake up his angel lily....
    so cute.....
    update soon.......

  35. awesome updt

    luvd it

    updt soon


  36. Amazing ..Loved it ...
    Lily is so cute ....Continue soon

  37. awesome update
    loved it
    love arnav surprise


  38. Haww.. Itna chota update :O
    But it was lovely..

  39. wow it’s a lovely update … Khushi's conversation with sushi was she is waiting for him desperately… they both r in love and it’s a pleasant surprise for khushi lets see what happen at the night…
