Part 38:
She turns at him…he still reading, she smiles…
She quickly takes the clothes and wears the pink outfit in the bathroom…she will wear the saree, tomorrow…she lays in her side in the bed…beside him…she said thank you and good night…of course, she will not sleep, because not only she has enough of sleeping but she was thinking about him…about all the ways he used with her…
He's too much!
And she's too much!
And they form a perfect match!
Khushi has the reaction to turn her head to see him…and their eyes meet…like he was waiting for her to turn…

she harry up and…turns back in the other side…she doesn't want to cry, because she can't hug him…
He smirks…but how? How he can ignore all that! Damn it! She is here…she missed him the way he's missing her…they are in the same bed…wait! This is not fair!!! He wants her…and that so badly, now, she seduces him…she used all his stuffs…maybe he should punish her for that too!,…but…no! no! not now!...Arnav turns to the other side as well…not without creating the creaking of the bed above the manner he has when he turns, now, with all his weight…he starts another agitated night! Khushi helping him…they turn left! Once right, to the left, right…and then…they starts a cold war for the blanket…Khushi pushing and then he starts pushing to the extreme…to his side…Khushi whispered:
-let off this blanket Arnavji!
He whispered too:
-Oh! Really! I want to sleep Khushi but you're doing all this to that I cannot sleep!
-what? I'm doing what?... You're the one who can't sleep and you're disturbing me!
-Ok! Now you're talking too much and I should sleep early to wake up early!
-oh! Me too! The same! Now! Give me some of the blanket!
When he tries to give her the blanket…she managed to take the entire blanket and covered all herself with it!
K:-there is an extra blanket in the wardrobe!
A:-excuse me!
Arnav sits on the bed…:
-Give it to me, Khushi!
-nahi! I'm taking this one…you take another one!
He tries taking the blanket from her…but she was holding it very tight…Arnav tries again…but Khushi won't give it
-nahi! Nahi! Na…
Arnav attacked her...before she could finish …he sits on his knees in the center of the bed and starts tickling her…trying to take the blanket from her…and when it doesn't work…he takes the pillow:
-you give it! It's a better option, Khushi!
-you want it? Why you're not able to take it?
Hearing that Arnav starts the pillows war, in the moment…
He starts beating Khushi by the pillow and khushi too…she sits know and starts beating him with her pillow too…:
A:-say! You're giving up!
K:-In your dreams!
Arnav beats hardly but the pillow was so soft, Khushi giggled but she beats as well…his hair was in mess and so was her hair…her dupatta was in the floor, now and the bed sheets as well are in a big mess…now…they stands on the bed…Khushi is jumping, now and giving Arnav some pillow's shots…Arnav couldn't control her, now…she has more energy than him…he stops…he only was watching her beating him with the pillow…
K:-you give up? You lose!...ok! I'm giving another chance…(Arnav was standing, staring at her…with his hot gaze)! Come on! Arnavji! Please! Let's play this game!
She gives him another soft shot, she laughs but he doesn't react, looking at her...Khushi was troubled but she was really excited!)…his pillow was in the bed now, she inclines to pick it up but before that he wants to stop her doing it and…by jumping before her to get the pillow first…the bed got broke and both of them laying on it…so close…Arnav has his hand around her waist…he starts giggling like a baby…Khushi was looking at him mesmerized…and then starts laughing too…and then looking at him again…
Arnav get affected by the way she's looking at him with such a love and care eyes…
When she moved a little to touch his cheek…the bed cracked again and was totally touching the floor, now…they giggled like kids…and finally…
Arnav stands up and gives his hand to Khushi to stand up, also, and then he was so strong making her stands that she finished into his arms…stacking at his chest…they still like that a moment…don't doing any move…khushi pulled his T-shirt, wanting that this moment last for an eternity… she can smell and feel him, like that all her life…
But Arnav pulled her off…he can't do any other romantic action, for today, it was enough…she still don't trust him, isn't it? Then he can act like it was normal!...
He calls the reception…a room server comes, with the responsible, in few seconds, as the client was ASR:
-is that really a 5 stars hotel? Sorry but what kind of bed is this?
-we are sorry, sir! But this is the first time, it happen!
-what do you mean? You mean we have proposely break your bed?
Khushi trying to hide herself behind Arnav…actually…watching the situation of the room and the bed…prove, very well that they have make a war but not a pillow war…some other kind of war…the responsible and the server had a look around and quickly look down, shyly…:
-sir! The most important think is the well being of our customers!
-oh really? By giving such beds, I'm sure, you're assuring this!
-sir! Please, forgive us, and accept to spend this night in our special new wedded suit, for another day!...
-it has a Jacuzzi, sir! (the room server added shyly)
-chop! (the responsible was really red)
Khushi shocked, she screams:
-No! ... I mean it's ok!
A:-it's ok! We should leave tomorrow morning!
The responsible:-sir! This offer is available, whenever you want! We are really sorry…we will change that bed, now!
-No! It's ok! We will manage! We are leaving early in the morning!
-As you wish sir! Have a good night! And we are sorry again!
The men leave and Khushi can't stop smiling…the responsible was red like a tomato…he's thinking that…Khushi was red as well and Arnav was angry when he's talking with him…he seems like a frustrated man who is supposing to do or doing something with his wife but the bed get broke…Khushi was amused…all the situation was funny and their game was funny as well…
-why you said no, Khushi?
Khushi stops smiling like an idiot and looks at Arnav…
-for the special suit…
-you? Well…what? Khushi,… speak properly!
-we are leaving tomorrow morning!
-So, why should we move from here, we have only four hours and we should leave!
-four hours, it's more than enough, you know!
Khushi looks at him, he was approaching her…
-but…you can be honest and said that you're not interested!
-you?'re not interested to be with me in the Jacuzzi… (he smirked, totally amused, seeing her, shy like this, he likes it and then he continues) well, me too, I can't! with someone who is unable to trust me…
He said it and walks towards the recliner…Khushi was hurt, hearing that…she stands like this a little and then, she decides to not answer, now, what the benefice she can get by confiding, now, that she trusts him…he can't believe her, right now! …she stands like that when she heard him, again…
-but I can share with you this recliner…come!
Khushi looks at him…and like a little girl obeys…the recliner can have the two of them…but they should stuck to each other, for that…but Arnav manages to take the half of the place and leave the other to her…she tries, first to keep a safe distance, and he's trying that too…but, once they slept…the safe distance doesn't really matter…Arnav was worried for her to fall…he keeps controlling her because he knew that she can fall, any time, sleeping like that…and to take some rest himself, he decides to come closer and take her in his arms…
When she wakes up…she finds that he was sleeping like a baby, pausing his head on her chest…it hurt…as he was pausing the half of his body, on her, taking her leg between his…she caresses his hair, kisses his forehead…it wasn't comfortable…but it doesn't matter, she has him…she keeps caressing his hair, gently…
Arnav opening his eyes, slowly, feeling a soft hand on his hair, feeling a soft skin under his head…he get conscious that he was sleeping, almost on his wife, he hurry wants to release her…he gets up… looks at her…:
-good morning!
-why you didn't wake me up! You're waiting for me to crush you, Khushi!
-no! I'm fine!... Your hair smells so good!
The worried Arnav transformed into a soft one, hearing that…he looks at her, she says that purposely to affect him...he gives her his irresistible and discrete smile…khushi feels her heart beating fast…maybe, he can kiss her now…she was hoping for that…now!...feeling his possessives lips taking hers, right now…she wished that…but:
Ar:-we should get ready, quickly!
He stands up to get a shower…leaving a disappointed Khushi…
Both get ready, take their breakfast, quickly…Arnav drops her to the hospital to say good bye to her parents but he's waiting in the car…he noticed that Khushi is out, after ten minutes with her mum…he gets out the car…joined his hands to greet her:
-Namaste, babwa!
-Arnavji, mum wants to say good bye to you too!
-thank you! (Arnav say with a polite tone)
-we haven't the chance to meet a lot, but…with you, I know that my daughter is in safe…you're…thank you! Thank you, dear!
-don't! Khushi is my wife! She's my responsibility! Madam!
Khushi giggled and her mother smiles:
-it's ok! Let him feel free to call me the way he wants!
Arnav looks at khushi with an angry gaze…
-yes! But, mum, madam?...really?
-Khushi say good bye because we are leaving, now!
He turns to Priya:
-we are leaving, …, so, see you soon!
Priya smiles to him:
-May God bless you, dear!
…He rides his car, wears his glasses…khushi was amused seeing him, like that, trying to be kind and gentle but he can't…too arrogant for that…
She hugs her mum while crying, she kisses her , she kisses her forehead like four times…she kisses her hand…Arnav was amused seeing the way she get emotional and her mum was like ''you go now'', ''it's enough'' but she's like a capricious girl, little girl, wanting to stay with mama but she has to go to school…Arnav was really amused seeing this cute scene…finally she comes to the car…her mother says a final bye and they left…
Khushi puts the box of the Kleenex on her lap, now…
She's crying…holding her head…
Arnav was looking at her, time to time…amused by her red nose…
K:-I can't!
A:-it's like you will never run away again to Lucknow!
Khushi gets nervous and become angry, now…:
K-No! I will never run away, never, you heard me?! We will go together, but I will never come alone!
Khushi wipes her cheeks and nose to cry again…
K:-madam?! It's my mother, Arnav!
A:-what do you want me to call her?
Khushi amused:
Arnav concentrated on the road…irritated...
They buy some things to eat in the road…khushi get a pack of chips and starts eating…looking time to time to Arnav…she gives him one…he was driving…he opens his mouth…she feeds him one…she smiles…she eats one and gives him one, proudly…she switches on the radio…chamak challo was on the air…Khushi claps:
-Oh my god! I love this song!
She high's the sound…Arnav hates that but he don't said anything...she starts dancing on her sit…Arnav who was driving was amused, now…he takes off his glasses by one hand…he decreases the speed of the car…to feel free…looking time to time to her…and then he starts moving his head…and then he starts moving his neck…keeping a serious face…he tapes on the the steering wheel…
After the crazy dance…they spend a good time together…every song came, she invents a new move and she starts doing it till the end of the song…she invents so many moves…and Arnav was impressed…he can't be indifferent to all this…he turns time to time to see the craziness of his wife…and smiles...he wants to stop the car and just kiss her...every where...
Khushi slept, a little in the car…and when she wakes up…she finds that…the car was stopped and Arnav was outside…she gets out the car:
-you wake up?! ... Come on let's have something, before we continues!
Arnav needs to have a little break before they reach Delhi…he hasn't the habitude of travelling with the car and that too driving by himself a long distance but he wants to spend all the time possible with her…they have a light lunch…and back to the car…he starts driving again…Khushi keeps talking to him to that they don't feel bored cause they have to travel for more than three hours double of what they spend in the road…
-Khushi! You think that it's funny,??? you told me 10 jokes and God! Too old!
-Acha?! Maybe you know more than me, let me know!
-yes! I Know! But I can't tell you my jokes!
-oh! It means you don't know any! And if my jokes are that much bed, why you're trying to retain your smile, every time!
Yes, that was true, he doesn't know any…and he was retaining his laugh, because he finds her funny and all she was telling is adorable…and he loves it…
-ok! Told me another really boring one!
-Go ahead! I'm ready for some of your sickness humor!
-Oh, so, I'm good! You admit it! ask for another one!
-Ok! …Fine! You're not good at that but it's ok for me…
-Ohhh! Why you can't admit that you love it!?...Ok listen to that Arnavji: Math teacher explaining: if a=b and b=c then a=c now give me the practical example of this principal in real life!
Student: I love you sir and you love your daughter which means I love your daughter!
Khushi giggled, amused by her own joke…
-and what was the reaction of the professor? He beats him?
-what? Arnavji? You're making the joke more boring by thinking what will happen after! It's a joke! Damn it!
Arnav wants just to tease her
-and the professor wants an example from real life?…that too…I mean he's teaching math…
-Ok! Fine! No more jokes for you!
Arnav smiles…looking at her…crossing her hands and looking by the window…looking disappointed…

-ok! I liked all your jokes, Khushi!...don't act like kids, I told you I love all of them!
Khushi smiles…
-Khushi, we will be home, after one hour!
previously on the Forced marriage:
She turns at him…he still reading, she smiles…
She quickly takes the clothes and wears the pink outfit in the bathroom…she will wear the saree, tomorrow…she lays in her side in the bed…beside him…she said thank you and good night…of course, she will not sleep, because not only she has enough of sleeping but she was thinking about him…about all the ways he used with her…
He's too much!
And she's too much!
And they form a perfect match!
He switches
off the light and lay as well in his side on the bed…Khushi has the reaction to turn her head to see him…and their eyes meet…like he was waiting for her to turn…
she harry up and…turns back in the other side…she doesn't want to cry, because she can't hug him…
He smirks…but how? How he can ignore all that! Damn it! She is here…she missed him the way he's missing her…they are in the same bed…wait! This is not fair!!! He wants her…and that so badly, now, she seduces him…she used all his stuffs…maybe he should punish her for that too!,…but…no! no! not now!...Arnav turns to the other side as well…not without creating the creaking of the bed above the manner he has when he turns, now, with all his weight…he starts another agitated night! Khushi helping him…they turn left! Once right, to the left, right…and then…they starts a cold war for the blanket…Khushi pushing and then he starts pushing to the extreme…to his side…Khushi whispered:
-let off this blanket Arnavji!
He whispered too:
-Oh! Really! I want to sleep Khushi but you're doing all this to that I cannot sleep!
-what? I'm doing what?... You're the one who can't sleep and you're disturbing me!
-Ok! Now you're talking too much and I should sleep early to wake up early!
-oh! Me too! The same! Now! Give me some of the blanket!
When he tries to give her the blanket…she managed to take the entire blanket and covered all herself with it!
K:-there is an extra blanket in the wardrobe!
A:-excuse me!
Arnav sits on the bed…:
-Give it to me, Khushi!
-nahi! I'm taking this one…you take another one!
He tries taking the blanket from her…but she was holding it very tight…Arnav tries again…but Khushi won't give it
-nahi! Nahi! Na…
Arnav attacked her...before she could finish …he sits on his knees in the center of the bed and starts tickling her…trying to take the blanket from her…and when it doesn't work…he takes the pillow:
-you give it! It's a better option, Khushi!
-you want it? Why you're not able to take it?
Hearing that Arnav starts the pillows war, in the moment…
He starts beating Khushi by the pillow and khushi too…she sits know and starts beating him with her pillow too…:
A:-say! You're giving up!
K:-In your dreams!
Arnav beats hardly but the pillow was so soft, Khushi giggled but she beats as well…his hair was in mess and so was her hair…her dupatta was in the floor, now and the bed sheets as well are in a big mess…now…they stands on the bed…Khushi is jumping, now and giving Arnav some pillow's shots…Arnav couldn't control her, now…she has more energy than him…he stops…he only was watching her beating him with the pillow…
K:-you give up? You lose!...ok! I'm giving another chance…(Arnav was standing, staring at her…with his hot gaze)! Come on! Arnavji! Please! Let's play this game!
She gives him another soft shot, she laughs but he doesn't react, looking at her...Khushi was troubled but she was really excited!)…his pillow was in the bed now, she inclines to pick it up but before that he wants to stop her doing it and…by jumping before her to get the pillow first…the bed got broke and both of them laying on it…so close…Arnav has his hand around her waist…he starts giggling like a baby…Khushi was looking at him mesmerized…and then starts laughing too…and then looking at him again…
Arnav get affected by the way she's looking at him with such a love and care eyes…
When she moved a little to touch his cheek…the bed cracked again and was totally touching the floor, now…they giggled like kids…and finally…
Arnav stands up and gives his hand to Khushi to stand up, also, and then he was so strong making her stands that she finished into his arms…stacking at his chest…they still like that a moment…don't doing any move…khushi pulled his T-shirt, wanting that this moment last for an eternity… she can smell and feel him, like that all her life…
But Arnav pulled her off…he can't do any other romantic action, for today, it was enough…she still don't trust him, isn't it? Then he can act like it was normal!...
He calls the reception…a room server comes, with the responsible, in few seconds, as the client was ASR:
-is that really a 5 stars hotel? Sorry but what kind of bed is this?
-we are sorry, sir! But this is the first time, it happen!
-what do you mean? You mean we have proposely break your bed?
Khushi trying to hide herself behind Arnav…actually…watching the situation of the room and the bed…prove, very well that they have make a war but not a pillow war…some other kind of war…the responsible and the server had a look around and quickly look down, shyly…:
-sir! The most important think is the well being of our customers!
-oh really? By giving such beds, I'm sure, you're assuring this!
-sir! Please, forgive us, and accept to spend this night in our special new wedded suit, for another day!...
-it has a Jacuzzi, sir! (the room server added shyly)
-chop! (the responsible was really red)
Khushi shocked, she screams:
-No! ... I mean it's ok!
A:-it's ok! We should leave tomorrow morning!
The responsible:-sir! This offer is available, whenever you want! We are really sorry…we will change that bed, now!
-No! It's ok! We will manage! We are leaving early in the morning!
-As you wish sir! Have a good night! And we are sorry again!
The men leave and Khushi can't stop smiling…the responsible was red like a tomato…he's thinking that…Khushi was red as well and Arnav was angry when he's talking with him…he seems like a frustrated man who is supposing to do or doing something with his wife but the bed get broke…Khushi was amused…all the situation was funny and their game was funny as well…
-why you said no, Khushi?
Khushi stops smiling like an idiot and looks at Arnav…
-for the special suit…
-you? Well…what? Khushi,… speak properly!
-we are leaving tomorrow morning!
-So, why should we move from here, we have only four hours and we should leave!
-four hours, it's more than enough, you know!
Khushi looks at him, he was approaching her…
-but…you can be honest and said that you're not interested!
-you?'re not interested to be with me in the Jacuzzi… (he smirked, totally amused, seeing her, shy like this, he likes it and then he continues) well, me too, I can't! with someone who is unable to trust me…
He said it and walks towards the recliner…Khushi was hurt, hearing that…she stands like this a little and then, she decides to not answer, now, what the benefice she can get by confiding, now, that she trusts him…he can't believe her, right now! …she stands like that when she heard him, again…
-but I can share with you this recliner…come!
Khushi looks at him…and like a little girl obeys…the recliner can have the two of them…but they should stuck to each other, for that…but Arnav manages to take the half of the place and leave the other to her…she tries, first to keep a safe distance, and he's trying that too…but, once they slept…the safe distance doesn't really matter…Arnav was worried for her to fall…he keeps controlling her because he knew that she can fall, any time, sleeping like that…and to take some rest himself, he decides to come closer and take her in his arms…
When she wakes up…she finds that he was sleeping like a baby, pausing his head on her chest…it hurt…as he was pausing the half of his body, on her, taking her leg between his…she caresses his hair, kisses his forehead…it wasn't comfortable…but it doesn't matter, she has him…she keeps caressing his hair, gently…
Arnav opening his eyes, slowly, feeling a soft hand on his hair, feeling a soft skin under his head…he get conscious that he was sleeping, almost on his wife, he hurry wants to release her…he gets up… looks at her…:
-good morning!
-why you didn't wake me up! You're waiting for me to crush you, Khushi!
-no! I'm fine!... Your hair smells so good!
The worried Arnav transformed into a soft one, hearing that…he looks at her, she says that purposely to affect him...he gives her his irresistible and discrete smile…khushi feels her heart beating fast…maybe, he can kiss her now…she was hoping for that…now!...feeling his possessives lips taking hers, right now…she wished that…but:
Ar:-we should get ready, quickly!
He stands up to get a shower…leaving a disappointed Khushi…
Both get ready, take their breakfast, quickly…Arnav drops her to the hospital to say good bye to her parents but he's waiting in the car…he noticed that Khushi is out, after ten minutes with her mum…he gets out the car…joined his hands to greet her:
-Namaste, babwa!
-Arnavji, mum wants to say good bye to you too!
-thank you! (Arnav say with a polite tone)
-we haven't the chance to meet a lot, but…with you, I know that my daughter is in safe…you're…thank you! Thank you, dear!
-don't! Khushi is my wife! She's my responsibility! Madam!
Khushi giggled and her mother smiles:
-it's ok! Let him feel free to call me the way he wants!
Arnav looks at khushi with an angry gaze…
-yes! But, mum, madam?...really?
-Khushi say good bye because we are leaving, now!
He turns to Priya:
-we are leaving, …, so, see you soon!
Priya smiles to him:
-May God bless you, dear!
…He rides his car, wears his glasses…khushi was amused seeing him, like that, trying to be kind and gentle but he can't…too arrogant for that…
She hugs her mum while crying, she kisses her , she kisses her forehead like four times…she kisses her hand…Arnav was amused seeing the way she get emotional and her mum was like ''you go now'', ''it's enough'' but she's like a capricious girl, little girl, wanting to stay with mama but she has to go to school…Arnav was really amused seeing this cute scene…finally she comes to the car…her mother says a final bye and they left…
Khushi puts the box of the Kleenex on her lap, now…
She's crying…holding her head…
Arnav was looking at her, time to time…amused by her red nose…
K:-I can't!
A:-it's like you will never run away again to Lucknow!
Khushi gets nervous and become angry, now…:
K-No! I will never run away, never, you heard me?! We will go together, but I will never come alone!
Khushi wipes her cheeks and nose to cry again…
K:-madam?! It's my mother, Arnav!
A:-what do you want me to call her?
Khushi amused:
Arnav concentrated on the road…irritated...
They buy some things to eat in the road…khushi get a pack of chips and starts eating…looking time to time to Arnav…she gives him one…he was driving…he opens his mouth…she feeds him one…she smiles…she eats one and gives him one, proudly…she switches on the radio…chamak challo was on the air…Khushi claps:
-Oh my god! I love this song!
She high's the sound…Arnav hates that but he don't said anything...she starts dancing on her sit…Arnav who was driving was amused, now…he takes off his glasses by one hand…he decreases the speed of the car…to feel free…looking time to time to her…and then he starts moving his head…and then he starts moving his neck…keeping a serious face…he tapes on the the steering wheel…
After the crazy dance…they spend a good time together…every song came, she invents a new move and she starts doing it till the end of the song…she invents so many moves…and Arnav was impressed…he can't be indifferent to all this…he turns time to time to see the craziness of his wife…and smiles...he wants to stop the car and just kiss her...every where...
Khushi slept, a little in the car…and when she wakes up…she finds that…the car was stopped and Arnav was outside…she gets out the car:
-you wake up?! ... Come on let's have something, before we continues!
Arnav needs to have a little break before they reach Delhi…he hasn't the habitude of travelling with the car and that too driving by himself a long distance but he wants to spend all the time possible with her…they have a light lunch…and back to the car…he starts driving again…Khushi keeps talking to him to that they don't feel bored cause they have to travel for more than three hours double of what they spend in the road…
-Khushi! You think that it's funny,??? you told me 10 jokes and God! Too old!
-Acha?! Maybe you know more than me, let me know!
-yes! I Know! But I can't tell you my jokes!
-oh! It means you don't know any! And if my jokes are that much bed, why you're trying to retain your smile, every time!
Yes, that was true, he doesn't know any…and he was retaining his laugh, because he finds her funny and all she was telling is adorable…and he loves it…
-ok! Told me another really boring one!
-Go ahead! I'm ready for some of your sickness humor!
-Oh, so, I'm good! You admit it! ask for another one!
-Ok! …Fine! You're not good at that but it's ok for me…
-Ohhh! Why you can't admit that you love it!?...Ok listen to that Arnavji: Math teacher explaining: if a=b and b=c then a=c now give me the practical example of this principal in real life!
Student: I love you sir and you love your daughter which means I love your daughter!
Khushi giggled, amused by her own joke…
-and what was the reaction of the professor? He beats him?
-what? Arnavji? You're making the joke more boring by thinking what will happen after! It's a joke! Damn it!
Arnav wants just to tease her
-and the professor wants an example from real life?…that too…I mean he's teaching math…
-Ok! Fine! No more jokes for you!
Arnav smiles…looking at her…crossing her hands and looking by the window…looking disappointed…
-ok! I liked all your jokes, Khushi!...don't act like kids, I told you I love all of them!
Khushi smiles…
-Khushi, we will be home, after one hour!
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