Previously on Unfaithful
-just making her life a hell…let her take care of Armaan, let her be with my son…but she has to pay the cost of all what she did!...I'm goanna do this for her!...I'm goanna let her regret all the days when she forgets who I'm!
Akash left an angry Arnav...he has nothing to add to calm him...he knows very well his friend...
Arnav, alone, in his cabin takes off his vest...

why?...why does that happen to him?...why?
he gives her all
all for her...
he was ready to ...give all to her...
There's a fire starting in my heart
in the RM:
Khushi hugs Payal tightly, in her arms...
-you called me and I came as fast as I can...what happened to you?'re crying, why ? Khushi, why??? tell me!
-let's get inside!
-where's Armaan?
-with Anjeli Di!
-what happen? why you're crying?
-a fight? with another woman...
-No..No can't believe this...
-No...I heard our bedroom...our bed...
-no! Khushi! you believe this? you?...Arnav loves you...he can't do that!
-No...I told you...I'm sure!
-why? why? ...he can't ! do this to you! you're his love, his wife, the mother of his son...
KHushi cries:
-I love him (sobbing ...and sobbing hard, Payal holds her hand)
Khushi:-and I'm pregnant, Payal!
-from 3 months, I'm waiting for my period to come, but nothing...I was thinking is related to the stress...that maybe I'm sick and...only today...I saw that...
Khushi lift up her top and a little tummy is formed...showing that a little life is hiding inside...
Khushi cries more and more...
-I does the test to be sure...and...and...I'm pregnant...only yesterday...I was thinking to run away from him, with Armaan...and today...I have his baby inside me...I have a part of him inside me, again...what to do? how can I escape...where can I hide myself?...he doesn't want me! he wants another woman and I was like a stupid...
-Oh! Khushi!
Payal hugs her to comfort her but she was crying like hell...she was depressed and was destroyed...
-even if I think to kill myself...I can't...I have an angel inside me...
-shhh! please Khushi, don't talk like this...I'm sure Arnav can't do such thing to you...he's ...he promised that he will always be here, by your side ...he's ...he ...
-don't talk about him...don't...don't...
-ok! just calm down...some calm...shhh...the baby is feeling your sadness...don't feel sad for him, for Armaan...for me, Khushi...
Khushi is sobbing...totally wounded inside...she can't tell all this to anyone but her best friend Payal...they know each other, so many years back...she's a sister for her, always here for support, for help...for the happiness but also in the sorrow...and khushi talking about that...she can't even tell her mother...but Payal, yes...
Payal wants to move back but she feels that her friend is not moving, she finds that the poor soul is fainting in her arms...
-Oh god! Khushi! khushi! wakes up! Khushi!
After calling the lady doctor who confirmed that Khushi needs, absolutly, to take some rest, away of all the stress and the tension because her situation needs absolutly that...Payal was pissed dare a man do this to his wife?...what's the right who allow to a man to do this with his wife? ...she can't understand...
Khushi tells her that during that previous peroid...he's changing...maybe the only fault of her friend was the fact that her work and her son make her all the time busy...that she forget about his husband...maybe if she has talked with him, two months back?...she would find was he's changing and nothing of that will happen???...and she forget also about her...she's crazy! she can be pregnant and doesn't know about that!...but that Arnav...
Payal makes her friend sleep and she prepares the lunch for her...a warm soup will definitely be benefic for her...but Payal decided some thing...she puts the soup by the side of her friend, she wrote in a paper that she will come back later because she has some work to do and went straight at RG...Arnav's office!
Payal-I want to meet him!
Aman:-who are you? you have an appointment?
P:-no! but I'm his wife's friend!
Aman:-you don't have an appointment, you can't meet him!
P:-oh yes! I can!
Ama:-don't speak so loud!
P-yes, I can, make me enter, now or I will use the force!
Ama:-force? I will call the security then...
Akash:-Aman!...yes, what do you want miss?
Payal knows this man...she saw him before in the Khushi and Arnav's wedding...
-I want to meet Arnav but this man refuses!
Aman:-I'm his secretary! some respect please!
P:-you talk of respect?
Akash:-Please, Miss...calm down!...we are here i...
Payal:-in a respectful place! your friend said this to me before...Got it...but I want to meet Arnav and that, right now, right now! it's urgent!
Akash:-ok...fine, just wait here!
Akash knocks at the door of Arnav's cabin...he went in and Payal, immediatly, follows him...
Akash:-Miss! please!
Payal:-miss my foot!
Arnav stands up and Payal approaches from his desk...
-yes, me! me, Mr. Raizada! Mr. Arnav! why? Arnav? why? why? damn it!
-oh she told you!
-yes! she told me...
Payal looks at Akash...she wants him to get out to speak freely...
-he knows everything! he's my best friend! can talk !
-you betrayed her! how can you do this to the love of your life!
-love?...if you know everything about her! then you must know the truth of your, get lost! you, her and all your scenes!...I'm sure she sends you!
-what? what do you mean??
-I mean, she's a liar and you're just like her!
-shut up!
-be warned...I can't accept such a behavior!
Payal was about to slap him and Akash holds her hand...
P:-let off my hand! let go...
Arnav screams:- get out!
Ar:-out!...Akash call the security!
Akash:-Arnav calm down, please!
Ar:-get her out of here, Akash!
P:-she's pregnant...she carries your, bas**rd!
with that Akash makes her, forcibly, go out the cabin...
Akash:-Please...miss...don't cry...don't ...
Payal throws herself in his arms...
After that scene...Akash takes her to his cabin as she was totally nervous and she wants absolutly to beat Arnav...
-why he's doing that? she loves him...she loves him...damn it...I'm shocked...I can't...can't accept ...he wants to kill her...tell me?
she pulled back, she wippes her cheeks, nervously...
-you're his friend...I hate you too...I hate both of you and all this! I hate all the men in this earth! I hope I can kill you all
-shut up...shut up! who you are??? you??? can't you tell your friend that he's so ...forget it...forget it...
-please! calm down...miss!
-you know Khushi is a woman and a mother and she's waiting for a know that and that man, called Arnav...that...she loves him...all her fault is to love him
-.he loves her too!
-no he don't!
-yes! yes, he don't have any idea!
-love? I was thinking that it never exist but due to this couple, I believed in this a little but look...look at what he has done...just, look at what he has done should know that he never does that for no reason...
-what's the reason making him do this to her? he hurt her...he destroyed her...!!!!
-Listen...I think...maybe you don't know about it but...Khushi doesn't love Arnav...she wants him only for his money...
-mmm yes!
Payal pushes him...
-you're just like two dare you?
-it's not me!...what's your problem with me?
-I hate you!
-listen! please! don't talk like this...I...I'm not responsble!...he heard that...heard a discussion between Khushi and her father...he doesn't tell me exactly...what was that...but...he's sure that Khushi just has married him for only his money...
-liar! a lie! pure lies! you're a liar too!
-listen I have nothing against neither her, nor you...
-why Khushi wants his money? she has money? she has founded her own business...
-exactly! how?... with the help of Arnav!
-it was his marriage gift to her!
-it was her plan to get that and even more!
-shut the f*ck up!
-can't believe this!...please be polite!...see, I'm wasting my time with you and you...
-your time? ...listen , if she wants only his money...why she's giving birth to his children? why she's now like a cadaver only because he slept with a b****...why she doesn't get his money and just left him...why she needs to spends 5 f****ing years with him????
-oh! please! be careful, your words are harsh!
-oh! f*** you! you think I mind that!?
Payal was about to leave but Akash holds her hand...he feels attracted to that agressive girl, from the begining, she was defending her friend...he likes she's sure about her innocence makes Akash believes on this too..
Payal was all the time misbehaving with him...but still, he was so cool with it...
P:-she loves him...I'm sure!
Ak:-he loves her too...of that I'm more than sure!
-he's just an unfaithful!
-no!...Arnav has never betrayed Khushi...she's the one for him, she's the first and the last!
-Khushi was sure...she said that he does that on their bed...
-let off my hand!
Akash obeys...
-to the and him! May god punish you!
yes, Payal was from those girls who hasn't the time to think much before acting, before talking...when it comes to defend someone she loves...when it comes to khushi...she was ready to set fire in this kill that Arnav and all his employees...she hasn't a problem, at all...she can do it...
but what was that story that that nerd named Akash is talking about?...ohhh! how stupid he's!!! ...she wants to beat him...but she can't smash his perfect face with one of her slaps...stupid stupid just stupid!!!!!...
seems like he wants it his slap!
he stops the elevator door , when the door was about to get closed...Only , Payal was inside...
he gets inside too...
Akash:-what's your name?
-ok...I want their happiness, ok?
-payal! ...listen to're sure about Khushi's innocence...
-Khushi loves him, only's an evidence!
-fine! so all that is a misunderstanding! something wrong is happening!
-what? think...
-someone is playing with Arnav or Khushi...but Khushi and his father discussion?...we have to find about that and only you can do it! ask her but indirecty! find out and then tell me...
Payal thinks a little...
they are walking in the parking, now...
-ok! I will!
-thank you Payal!
-why did you thank me?
-No...Nothing...listen, if you want us to work together on that! it's better that we became's important!
-in your dreams, maybe!...Men like you can't be my friends!...actually, friendship and men doesn't exist in my be franc with you...I use men like you only for...(she was about to said ''sex'' but she won't hurt a poor soul...he seems that he never heard about something like that, before) ok! only for something which is not of your business!
-ok! but you can be more polite with me, can you?
-I will think about it!
-let's just be partners on this matter! you're ok?
she smiles, thinking how cute he's, finding a way to pacify with her...he smiles back!
P:-Promise that you will help my friend!
-Promise! and you promise that you will help my friend, too!
-fine! I didn't believe in words, ok?!...I want to Khushi to be happy, cut it!
-me too!...are you Arnav's sister or cousin, by chance?
-how funny! get lost!
how beautiful she is! damn it! but now, Arnav...he wants only to that Arnav he knew to come back!
-fine!... our project is to find out about the truth! deal?
-just making her life a hell…let her take care of Armaan, let her be with my son…but she has to pay the cost of all what she did!...I'm goanna do this for her!...I'm goanna let her regret all the days when she forgets who I'm!
Akash left an angry Arnav...he has nothing to add to calm him...he knows very well his friend...
Chapter 3: friendship and other kind of friendship!
Arnav, alone, in his cabin takes off his vest...
why?...why does that happen to him?...why?
he gives her all
all for her...
he was ready to ...give all to her...
There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch and
It's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out
And I'll lay your ship bare
***************It's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go ahead and sell me out
And I'll lay your ship bare
How can you Khushi? how can you?
See how I'll leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch
And it's bringing me out the dark...
Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch
And it's bringing me out the dark...
a fire...a fire devoring him from inside him...inside his heart...
You had my heart inside of your hand
And you played it
To the beat
To the beat
In one side, the heart of Arnav was burning him...
and in the other side, another heart was more hurting...Khushi's heart!
and in the other side, another heart was more hurting...Khushi's heart!
in the RM:
Khushi hugs Payal tightly, in her arms...
-you called me and I came as fast as I can...what happened to you?'re crying, why ? Khushi, why??? tell me!
-let's get inside!
-where's Armaan?
-with Anjeli Di!
-what happen? why you're crying?
-a fight? with another woman...
-No..No can't believe this...
-No...I heard our bedroom...our bed...
-no! Khushi! you believe this? you?...Arnav loves you...he can't do that!
-No...I told you...I'm sure!
-why? why? ...he can't ! do this to you! you're his love, his wife, the mother of his son...
KHushi cries:
-I love him (sobbing ...and sobbing hard, Payal holds her hand)
Khushi:-and I'm pregnant, Payal!
-from 3 months, I'm waiting for my period to come, but nothing...I was thinking is related to the stress...that maybe I'm sick and...only today...I saw that...
Khushi lift up her top and a little tummy is formed...showing that a little life is hiding inside...
Khushi cries more and more...
-I does the test to be sure...and...and...I'm pregnant...only yesterday...I was thinking to run away from him, with Armaan...and today...I have his baby inside me...I have a part of him inside me, again...what to do? how can I escape...where can I hide myself?...he doesn't want me! he wants another woman and I was like a stupid...
-Oh! Khushi!
Payal hugs her to comfort her but she was crying like hell...she was depressed and was destroyed...
-even if I think to kill myself...I can't...I have an angel inside me...
-shhh! please Khushi, don't talk like this...I'm sure Arnav can't do such thing to you...he's ...he promised that he will always be here, by your side ...he's ...he ...
-don't talk about him...don't...don't...
-ok! just calm down...some calm...shhh...the baby is feeling your sadness...don't feel sad for him, for Armaan...for me, Khushi...
Khushi is sobbing...totally wounded inside...she can't tell all this to anyone but her best friend Payal...they know each other, so many years back...she's a sister for her, always here for support, for help...for the happiness but also in the sorrow...and khushi talking about that...she can't even tell her mother...but Payal, yes...
Payal wants to move back but she feels that her friend is not moving, she finds that the poor soul is fainting in her arms...
-Oh god! Khushi! khushi! wakes up! Khushi!
After calling the lady doctor who confirmed that Khushi needs, absolutly, to take some rest, away of all the stress and the tension because her situation needs absolutly that...Payal was pissed dare a man do this to his wife?...what's the right who allow to a man to do this with his wife? ...she can't understand...
Khushi tells her that during that previous peroid...he's changing...maybe the only fault of her friend was the fact that her work and her son make her all the time busy...that she forget about his husband...maybe if she has talked with him, two months back?...she would find was he's changing and nothing of that will happen???...and she forget also about her...she's crazy! she can be pregnant and doesn't know about that!...but that Arnav...
Payal makes her friend sleep and she prepares the lunch for her...a warm soup will definitely be benefic for her...but Payal decided some thing...she puts the soup by the side of her friend, she wrote in a paper that she will come back later because she has some work to do and went straight at RG...Arnav's office!
Payal-I want to meet him!
Aman:-who are you? you have an appointment?
P:-no! but I'm his wife's friend!
Aman:-you don't have an appointment, you can't meet him!
P:-oh yes! I can!
Ama:-don't speak so loud!
P-yes, I can, make me enter, now or I will use the force!
Ama:-force? I will call the security then...
Akash:-Aman!...yes, what do you want miss?
Payal knows this man...she saw him before in the Khushi and Arnav's wedding...
-I want to meet Arnav but this man refuses!
Aman:-I'm his secretary! some respect please!
P:-you talk of respect?
Akash:-Please, Miss...calm down!...we are here i...
Payal:-in a respectful place! your friend said this to me before...Got it...but I want to meet Arnav and that, right now, right now! it's urgent!
Akash:-ok...fine, just wait here!
Akash knocks at the door of Arnav's cabin...he went in and Payal, immediatly, follows him...
Akash:-Miss! please!
Payal:-miss my foot!
Arnav stands up and Payal approaches from his desk...
-yes, me! me, Mr. Raizada! Mr. Arnav! why? Arnav? why? why? damn it!
-oh she told you!
-yes! she told me...
Payal looks at Akash...she wants him to get out to speak freely...
-he knows everything! he's my best friend! can talk !
-you betrayed her! how can you do this to the love of your life!
-love?...if you know everything about her! then you must know the truth of your, get lost! you, her and all your scenes!...I'm sure she sends you!
-what? what do you mean??
-I mean, she's a liar and you're just like her!
-shut up!
-be warned...I can't accept such a behavior!
Payal was about to slap him and Akash holds her hand...
P:-let off my hand! let go...
Arnav screams:- get out!
Ar:-out!...Akash call the security!
Akash:-Arnav calm down, please!
Ar:-get her out of here, Akash!
P:-she's pregnant...she carries your, bas**rd!
with that Akash makes her, forcibly, go out the cabin...
Akash:-Please...miss...don't cry...don't ...
Payal throws herself in his arms...
After that scene...Akash takes her to his cabin as she was totally nervous and she wants absolutly to beat Arnav...
-why he's doing that? she loves him...she loves him...damn it...I'm shocked...I can't...can't accept ...he wants to kill her...tell me?
she pulled back, she wippes her cheeks, nervously...
-you're his friend...I hate you too...I hate both of you and all this! I hate all the men in this earth! I hope I can kill you all
-shut up...shut up! who you are??? you??? can't you tell your friend that he's so ...forget it...forget it...
-please! calm down...miss!
-you know Khushi is a woman and a mother and she's waiting for a know that and that man, called Arnav...that...she loves him...all her fault is to love him
-.he loves her too!
-no he don't!
-yes! yes, he don't have any idea!
-love? I was thinking that it never exist but due to this couple, I believed in this a little but look...look at what he has done...just, look at what he has done should know that he never does that for no reason...
-what's the reason making him do this to her? he hurt her...he destroyed her...!!!!
-Listen...I think...maybe you don't know about it but...Khushi doesn't love Arnav...she wants him only for his money...
-mmm yes!
Payal pushes him...
-you're just like two dare you?
-it's not me!...what's your problem with me?
-I hate you!
-listen! please! don't talk like this...I...I'm not responsble!...he heard that...heard a discussion between Khushi and her father...he doesn't tell me exactly...what was that...but...he's sure that Khushi just has married him for only his money...
-liar! a lie! pure lies! you're a liar too!
-listen I have nothing against neither her, nor you...
-why Khushi wants his money? she has money? she has founded her own business...
-exactly! how?... with the help of Arnav!
-it was his marriage gift to her!
-it was her plan to get that and even more!
-shut the f*ck up!
-can't believe this!...please be polite!...see, I'm wasting my time with you and you...
-your time? ...listen , if she wants only his money...why she's giving birth to his children? why she's now like a cadaver only because he slept with a b****...why she doesn't get his money and just left him...why she needs to spends 5 f****ing years with him????
-oh! please! be careful, your words are harsh!
-oh! f*** you! you think I mind that!?
Payal was about to leave but Akash holds her hand...he feels attracted to that agressive girl, from the begining, she was defending her friend...he likes she's sure about her innocence makes Akash believes on this too..
Payal was all the time misbehaving with him...but still, he was so cool with it...
P:-she loves him...I'm sure!
Ak:-he loves her too...of that I'm more than sure!
-he's just an unfaithful!
-no!...Arnav has never betrayed Khushi...she's the one for him, she's the first and the last!
-Khushi was sure...she said that he does that on their bed...
-let off my hand!
Akash obeys...
-to the and him! May god punish you!
yes, Payal was from those girls who hasn't the time to think much before acting, before talking...when it comes to defend someone she loves...when it comes to khushi...she was ready to set fire in this kill that Arnav and all his employees...she hasn't a problem, at all...she can do it...
but what was that story that that nerd named Akash is talking about?...ohhh! how stupid he's!!! ...she wants to beat him...but she can't smash his perfect face with one of her slaps...stupid stupid just stupid!!!!!...
seems like he wants it his slap!
he stops the elevator door , when the door was about to get closed...Only , Payal was inside...
he gets inside too...
Akash:-what's your name?
-ok...I want their happiness, ok?
-payal! ...listen to're sure about Khushi's innocence...
-Khushi loves him, only's an evidence!
-fine! so all that is a misunderstanding! something wrong is happening!
-what? think...
-someone is playing with Arnav or Khushi...but Khushi and his father discussion?...we have to find about that and only you can do it! ask her but indirecty! find out and then tell me...
Payal thinks a little...
they are walking in the parking, now...
-ok! I will!
-thank you Payal!
-why did you thank me?
-No...Nothing...listen, if you want us to work together on that! it's better that we became's important!
-in your dreams, maybe!...Men like you can't be my friends!...actually, friendship and men doesn't exist in my be franc with you...I use men like you only for...(she was about to said ''sex'' but she won't hurt a poor soul...he seems that he never heard about something like that, before) ok! only for something which is not of your business!
-ok! but you can be more polite with me, can you?
-I will think about it!
-let's just be partners on this matter! you're ok?
she smiles, thinking how cute he's, finding a way to pacify with her...he smiles back!
P:-Promise that you will help my friend!
-Promise! and you promise that you will help my friend, too!
-fine! I didn't believe in words, ok?!...I want to Khushi to be happy, cut it!
-me too!...are you Arnav's sister or cousin, by chance?
-how funny! get lost!
how beautiful she is! damn it! but now, Arnav...he wants only to that Arnav he knew to come back!
-fine!... our project is to find out about the truth! deal?
ohh misunderstanding..
ReplyDeletehope it clears off soon
poor Kushi what next
ReplyDeleteWell there is definitely a snake in their midst..Awesome update