Part16: jealousy (2): truth or dare!

They are all looking at Khushi, waiting for her answer, but finally it's Arnav who speaks:
-Yes, Khushi, told them…tell your friend about how we meet each other and how we get married!
Khushi looks at him, surprised, her mouth form a big ''O'':
Arnav: -yes! Come on! It's Ok, you can tell them! (Arnav was amused teasing her but in the same time he was nervous and this situation bother him too much)
Khushi decided to do the same and plays with him this little game:
Khushi: -Well, he was really very… very romantic, he was the kind of guy who can just trouble you because of his kindness (she speaks looking in the bottom of his eyes)…and yes, it's a love from the first sight, I mean, how can I, look at this man, at his manners, gestures, hearing his gentle, romantic words and not fall for him, he proposes to me, how to say ''No''?
Arnav was looking at her, her words hurts him a little bit because he knows very well that this is not true but she say that perfectly that he wants to believe this….This 'love from the first sight'', what if it's true??...what if…????
Aman:-Wooo, well…I just can't believe this because I know the two of you guys!...come on!
Arpita:-I can believe this because I know that love can do the impossible! And chotte deserve the best, May God protect my children and give them all what they want!
All of them became silent after what Arpita said, Aman automatically looks at Anjeli who was smiling looking at Akash and Payal who are looking at each other, Arnav wasn't able to look in the eyes of Khushi concentrate on his dish…
After the dinner, Akash has the idea of just go out in the terrace and have some chat there, all of them accepts but Arpita, Manorama and of course Dadi who prefers to go to their room…
All of them was there and suddenly, it's Aman who speaks firstly:
-Khushi ! you remember that English teacher ?
- What? (she looks at Arnav and then Aman)…no! No!
-I'm sure yes! The one for whom you write a letter and you never sent it!
-a letter? …stop joking Aman! Everyone will believe you, now!
-Oh come on! ASR know about how much you love poetry ? and literature ? he knows that you have a diary too in which you…
-can you please stop this otherwise, I can tell everybody about your truth!
-Ok, ok! But thought that ASR should know that also you...
-Aman please, you're impossible!
Finally Arnav speaks:
-that what?
-that she adores jalebi, whenever she's upset, she cooks a tone and then eat it all by her own and then, she feels better!
(Arnav remember their first night and how he feed her jalebi , he looks at khushi but she was only looking at Aman):
Arnav: -I know how much she loves Jalebi!
Payal: this unbeleivble that you know each other! Isn't it sweet that you have the same best friend!
Arnav:-he's not my best friend!
Khushi:-who said that he's my best friend?
Aman:-ok! Ok! I know that you people are so perfect that I just can't be your friend!...but let's be pragmatic and look at the fact that unfortunately I'm…your Friend!
Akash and Payal laugh!
Arnav:- mmm yeh, OF COURSE!
Aman:-Ok! Ok! Come on let play a game!
Akash: great idea!
Payal: truth or dares!
Arnav:-No way!
Aman:- yes! It's my birthday! Come on!
Arnav:-No! it's No!
Arnav looks at Khushi and then:
Arnav:-Ok! Fine, let's play!
Payal: Ok! Let's use an empty bottle!
Sitting around the table, payal put the bottle in the center then she turns… the bottle rotates around itself, then stops, both ends indicate Aman and Khushi to play:
Aman: -Ok! Tintin! Truth or dare?
Aman: Ok! To prove to all of them that you love poetry, you goanna recite a poem for us! Come on
Khushi nodded a No but all of them are excited even Anjeli…
Khushi: Ok! Ok! I'm gonna recite some verses, only some…
''Love is my sin and thy dear virtue hate,
Hate of my sin, grounded on sinful loving:
O, but with mine compare thou thine own state…''
Arnav was surprised, he was really surprised about how she choose those verses and that'' love is my sin…'', he was confused and worried that someone can see that, but all of them are clapping and no one noticed it…
All of them plays and there are some truth that Arnav ignores about every one of his family…Khushi asks Akash : what's the craziest thing he done for love? And he say that before marriage, in the valentine day, he comes to Payal house and surprise her by preparing a little, intimate, romantic party just behind her house…they told Anjeli to imitate Dadi manners and she do it perfectly…all of them has his own little secrets, some details that he ignores…
He looks at khushi, she is laughing, smiling, joking … Aman knows things about her that he, himself ignores, in one hour, with Aman, he learned her favorite color, subject, dish, song, movie, her likes and dislikes, he saw how beautiful is her laugh and for some minutes he wishs he was not there with them…he feels jealous, jealous from Aman who knows his wife more than him, and jealous from khushi who knows better than him the only friend he get and was thinking he knows all about him…they stops the game, in every moment to share some memories about their respective teachers, how she helps him to put glue on the chair of their teacher because he was to severe, how they escape for two weeks the course of history because it was so boring and how much Khushi hates math…
At the end of the evening, Anjeli brings a birthday cake, Aman was surprised and they all have fun cutting and feeding each other…Aman comes to feed them all and also feed Kushi, it was late so he just thanks them all and leave, all of them follows him to the main door, wishing him a good night, Khushi was about to go with them too but…a strong hand wrist:
-I think it's enough!
Khushi turns and discovers that it was his husband, his hand reaches her face:
-see, there's some chocolate on your…(he tries to wipe it but she pushes his hand violently)
-It's ok! I will do it!
He loses his mind…how he wants to help her and how she refuses…but, he wasn't in the mood to talk, he just looks at her and he disappears…
Khushi spends some other time with the girls, they puts everything in order in the kitchen and everyone went to her room…
When she enters the room, he was working in his laptop, she looks at him and then she was about to go to the bathroom to change, he stands and:
-It's ok if you want to wear my Kurta for the night!
-No! it's Ok! Anjeli gives me something to wear!
And she quickly enters in the bathroom, that was really out of control, this girl feels that she' s free to do everything with or what she is thinking?
When she went out, she finds that he was standing with the bottle with which they play earlier, he looks at her:
-Well…I think that you enjoyed the game earlier and thought that maybe we can play here too! The chance didn't allow to me to ask you anything!
-Maybe another day…now, it's too late!
-I will act like you didn't said anything Khushi because we will play now and I will make the rules, only me can ask to do what I want…
He pause the bottle on the floor and approaches her, he takes her by her waist:
-Truth: what did you feel when I touch this way?
He approaches her and looks in the bottom of her eyes:
-Truth: what did you feel when I look at you this way?
He puts his hand on her belly and then he opened the button of his nightshirt:
-Dare: you go now and put my kurta!
She didn't do any move:
-if you don't do this your friend will lose his job!
Khushi looks at him, shocked, what? Why he use Aman to do that to her? Is he crazy? Is he losing his mind for sure now?:
Khushi: what ?
Arnav: I mean it!
Khushi: Are you serious?
Arnav: totally serious! You goanna wear it, here!
She's sure, now that he's mad, that he's crazy, that he's…she obeys and he was looking at her all the time, don't missing any of her moves:
Arnav: to the bed!
She set:
Arnav: Ok! We will play now! Now your turn, ask me!
Khushi: T…truth or dare?
Arnav: dare!
Khushi: I…I'm…ok! Lay in the bed and sleep!
Arnav smiles: so smart but you ask two things, I will do just the first one (and he lay on the bed), now, my turn, truth or dare?
Khushi: truth
Arnav: be honest! You really want me to sleep?
Khushi was breathing heavily, it seems like he was reading in her mind and then she lied:
Kh: -Of course I want you to sleep!
Arnav: you're just a perfect liar!
Khushi: truth or dare!
Arnav: truth!
Khushi: why you're doing all this to me?
Arnav: because I like it…I like doing all this to you Khushi!...Truth or dare?
Khushi: dare!
Arnav: sit on the top of me!
Khushi looks at him…she hates this game…she really hates this game…
They are all looking at Khushi, waiting for her answer, but finally it's Arnav who speaks:
-Yes, Khushi, told them…tell your friend about how we meet each other and how we get married!
Khushi looks at him, surprised, her mouth form a big ''O'':
Arnav: -yes! Come on! It's Ok, you can tell them! (Arnav was amused teasing her but in the same time he was nervous and this situation bother him too much)
Khushi decided to do the same and plays with him this little game:
Khushi: -Well, he was really very… very romantic, he was the kind of guy who can just trouble you because of his kindness (she speaks looking in the bottom of his eyes)…and yes, it's a love from the first sight, I mean, how can I, look at this man, at his manners, gestures, hearing his gentle, romantic words and not fall for him, he proposes to me, how to say ''No''?
Arnav was looking at her, her words hurts him a little bit because he knows very well that this is not true but she say that perfectly that he wants to believe this….This 'love from the first sight'', what if it's true??...what if…????
Aman:-Wooo, well…I just can't believe this because I know the two of you guys!...come on!
Arpita:-I can believe this because I know that love can do the impossible! And chotte deserve the best, May God protect my children and give them all what they want!
All of them became silent after what Arpita said, Aman automatically looks at Anjeli who was smiling looking at Akash and Payal who are looking at each other, Arnav wasn't able to look in the eyes of Khushi concentrate on his dish…
After the dinner, Akash has the idea of just go out in the terrace and have some chat there, all of them accepts but Arpita, Manorama and of course Dadi who prefers to go to their room…
All of them was there and suddenly, it's Aman who speaks firstly:
-Khushi ! you remember that English teacher ?
- What? (she looks at Arnav and then Aman)…no! No!
-I'm sure yes! The one for whom you write a letter and you never sent it!
-a letter? …stop joking Aman! Everyone will believe you, now!
-Oh come on! ASR know about how much you love poetry ? and literature ? he knows that you have a diary too in which you…
-can you please stop this otherwise, I can tell everybody about your truth!
-Ok, ok! But thought that ASR should know that also you...
-Aman please, you're impossible!
Finally Arnav speaks:
-that what?
-that she adores jalebi, whenever she's upset, she cooks a tone and then eat it all by her own and then, she feels better!
(Arnav remember their first night and how he feed her jalebi , he looks at khushi but she was only looking at Aman):
Arnav: -I know how much she loves Jalebi!
Payal: this unbeleivble that you know each other! Isn't it sweet that you have the same best friend!
Arnav:-he's not my best friend!
Khushi:-who said that he's my best friend?
Aman:-ok! Ok! I know that you people are so perfect that I just can't be your friend!...but let's be pragmatic and look at the fact that unfortunately I'm…your Friend!
Akash and Payal laugh!
Arnav:- mmm yeh, OF COURSE!
Aman:-Ok! Ok! Come on let play a game!
Akash: great idea!
Payal: truth or dares!
Arnav:-No way!
Aman:- yes! It's my birthday! Come on!
Arnav:-No! it's No!
Arnav looks at Khushi and then:
Arnav:-Ok! Fine, let's play!
Payal: Ok! Let's use an empty bottle!
Sitting around the table, payal put the bottle in the center then she turns… the bottle rotates around itself, then stops, both ends indicate Aman and Khushi to play:
Aman: -Ok! Tintin! Truth or dare?
Aman: Ok! To prove to all of them that you love poetry, you goanna recite a poem for us! Come on
Khushi nodded a No but all of them are excited even Anjeli…
Khushi: Ok! Ok! I'm gonna recite some verses, only some…
''Love is my sin and thy dear virtue hate,
Hate of my sin, grounded on sinful loving:
O, but with mine compare thou thine own state…''
Arnav was surprised, he was really surprised about how she choose those verses and that'' love is my sin…'', he was confused and worried that someone can see that, but all of them are clapping and no one noticed it…
All of them plays and there are some truth that Arnav ignores about every one of his family…Khushi asks Akash : what's the craziest thing he done for love? And he say that before marriage, in the valentine day, he comes to Payal house and surprise her by preparing a little, intimate, romantic party just behind her house…they told Anjeli to imitate Dadi manners and she do it perfectly…all of them has his own little secrets, some details that he ignores…
He looks at khushi, she is laughing, smiling, joking … Aman knows things about her that he, himself ignores, in one hour, with Aman, he learned her favorite color, subject, dish, song, movie, her likes and dislikes, he saw how beautiful is her laugh and for some minutes he wishs he was not there with them…he feels jealous, jealous from Aman who knows his wife more than him, and jealous from khushi who knows better than him the only friend he get and was thinking he knows all about him…they stops the game, in every moment to share some memories about their respective teachers, how she helps him to put glue on the chair of their teacher because he was to severe, how they escape for two weeks the course of history because it was so boring and how much Khushi hates math…
At the end of the evening, Anjeli brings a birthday cake, Aman was surprised and they all have fun cutting and feeding each other…Aman comes to feed them all and also feed Kushi, it was late so he just thanks them all and leave, all of them follows him to the main door, wishing him a good night, Khushi was about to go with them too but…a strong hand wrist:
-I think it's enough!
Khushi turns and discovers that it was his husband, his hand reaches her face:
-see, there's some chocolate on your…(he tries to wipe it but she pushes his hand violently)
-It's ok! I will do it!
He loses his mind…how he wants to help her and how she refuses…but, he wasn't in the mood to talk, he just looks at her and he disappears…
Khushi spends some other time with the girls, they puts everything in order in the kitchen and everyone went to her room…
When she enters the room, he was working in his laptop, she looks at him and then she was about to go to the bathroom to change, he stands and:
-It's ok if you want to wear my Kurta for the night!
-No! it's Ok! Anjeli gives me something to wear!
And she quickly enters in the bathroom, that was really out of control, this girl feels that she' s free to do everything with or what she is thinking?
When she went out, she finds that he was standing with the bottle with which they play earlier, he looks at her:
-Well…I think that you enjoyed the game earlier and thought that maybe we can play here too! The chance didn't allow to me to ask you anything!
-Maybe another day…now, it's too late!
-I will act like you didn't said anything Khushi because we will play now and I will make the rules, only me can ask to do what I want…
He pause the bottle on the floor and approaches her, he takes her by her waist:
-Truth: what did you feel when I touch this way?
He approaches her and looks in the bottom of her eyes:
-Truth: what did you feel when I look at you this way?
He puts his hand on her belly and then he opened the button of his nightshirt:
-Dare: you go now and put my kurta!
She didn't do any move:
-if you don't do this your friend will lose his job!
Khushi looks at him, shocked, what? Why he use Aman to do that to her? Is he crazy? Is he losing his mind for sure now?:
Khushi: what ?
Arnav: I mean it!
Khushi: Are you serious?
Arnav: totally serious! You goanna wear it, here!
She's sure, now that he's mad, that he's crazy, that he's…she obeys and he was looking at her all the time, don't missing any of her moves:
Arnav: to the bed!
She set:
Arnav: Ok! We will play now! Now your turn, ask me!
Khushi: T…truth or dare?
Arnav: dare!
Khushi: I…I'm…ok! Lay in the bed and sleep!
Arnav smiles: so smart but you ask two things, I will do just the first one (and he lay on the bed), now, my turn, truth or dare?
Khushi: truth
Arnav: be honest! You really want me to sleep?
Khushi was breathing heavily, it seems like he was reading in her mind and then she lied:
Kh: -Of course I want you to sleep!
Arnav: you're just a perfect liar!
Khushi: truth or dare!
Arnav: truth!
Khushi: why you're doing all this to me?
Arnav: because I like it…I like doing all this to you Khushi!...Truth or dare?
Khushi: dare!
Arnav: sit on the top of me!
Khushi looks at him…she hates this game…she really hates this game…
crazy arnav