Previously on My girl
he!!...and he laughs...god!...god!...he's irresistible
while laughing...she stared at him and when he finishes...he still
smiling at her, looking at her...and she doesn't know how?...but she
feels that she should does was something strongest than
her...but she doesn't know how she crushes her lips against his...taking
his lips, agressivly, suddenly, she starts kissing him...cupping his
cheeks with her hands...she forced him a little to part his he
doesn't understand what's going on!...but within a second...conscious,
he pulled her closer, from her waist, against his chest...tasting the forbidden softness of her was his first time kissing a girl like that...a strange girl...he hasn't really the time to do romance and to date any girl till now...he has 24 years old his life, no place to such luxury...but now...she was here...and...he's feeling her warm mouth...
awkward as he is ...
skillful as she was ...
Chapter 2:
bring light to the dark...
bring light to the dark...
the kiss was perfect natural ... was ... was fatal ...but...then...what's going on?
simply kissing a strange girl and strangely like it!
simply pushing a man that she doesn't know even his name to kiss her!
He stopes...break the kiss...
looks at her...her lips was red...inviting him, again...he can't help but taste the precious softness again...just to be sure that it was really amazing!??
his lips meets her lips, again...getting familiar to the sweetness of her saliva...he doesn't know that he will like doing such thing...that the fact of having a girl against his heart and that soft contact will drive him crazy, that it was impossible to stop...and she's not just a girl...she's not like the others...the passion she is putting to kiss him, makes him feel that she's angel, a gift from god...a message: telling that live deserves to be lived...that something is happening inside him...the fever...not only of an unknown and dangerous desire...No...but also...the fact that it seems's like he used to know her...he used to kiss seems like he used to be with her...
look at each other!
and then...electric current...their eyes meeting ...tell all, express all...
she avoids his gaze...looks at the other side...she turns, completly...she opens wild her eyes...she murmured some words that he can't recognize...she walks out of the kitchen...feeling strange but not guilty...feeling that something bad or not bad?...bad? amazing? no!!!...horrible?...was so hot? of course not?!!! ...oh yes! stop it!!!!! ... something not normal has happened...when she thinks about his reaction, now! he's thinking, now???...that she is a bad and naughty girl!
she kissed him...she doesn't know strange...she loved it...the way he gives her the chance to take his lips and the way he closes his eyes, giving up to her agressive embrace...and then the way he pulled her by her waist...with his strong hands
his lips...
her lips...
she comes back to the bed in the living/bed room...and she hugs her purse tightly...pulled her hand to her lips...what have I done? she thought...she's not like that! after she broke up with her fiancee...she has never ever touch a man, like that...and even with her ex fiancee, she kissed him but it was because he reclaims it, he insists for it ...but now...but this man...he seduces her...yes! he does...looking that way, talking that way, smiling that way, breathing that way...he's the one who approches her, first!!
she checks again her phone...Low battery , she knows that but she hopes that a miracle will happen ...seems like he hasn't any phone here...she checks the room, again...noticed a photo on the wall of a quiet pretty lady holding a baby of two years...him?...she cute!...look at those lips he has...since he was young ...what the...she should stop, now!...but what a cute baby!!!!...stop it! stop!...just take a look at where are you? he can kill you and no one will know about one know that you're here!...what if he's a serial killer...after all, he knows the name of that guy, he called him ''Shyam''...stop! stop!
he comes back...wearing his clothes...a simple grey t-shirt and black troussers...he seems to be more guily than her...but hotter then when he was wearing the white t-shirt or the towel...yes! he's a serial killer...he looks at her...a gaze making her feel dare he? it's just a kiss...just a little kiss...everyone can made a mistake and just kiss!! what's the problem???
she stands up and with a confident voice:
-don't look at me like this! was your fault!
shocked...he turns to face her:
him:-excuse me!
what a crazy girl, he didn't even look at her...and his fault, how? she was the one who started!
the girl:-you pushed me to kiss you!
-you do! you was so close to me that I lose my control!
she used her index to warn him:
-listen! should forget what just happened between us, ok?...I ...I have a fiancee! (she lied, again!!!)
-don't be so nervous...I already forget about that!... forget, already?
-why?...I mean...really?...No...
And without any introduction...again...he pulled her to him...and again...he looks straight at her eyes and then directly, he fixed her lips...she fixed his lips too...and again...she was the one who starts kissing him...she takes his lips...again with the same hunger of earlier...they kissed each other...he holds her...and she puts her hands around his neck...he lifted her with his arms...hugging each other while kissing...
passion?...curiosity?...tiredness?...some unknown attraction?...unexpected reaction, from her side, due to what just happened?...she wants maybe to feel protected she feeling that closer the man is...more she felt...she's safe...???
pure physical attraction?...
they stop...out of oxygen...
him:-we should stop!
her:-we should absolutly stop!...
he poses her on the floor and she looks up to him:
-listen...I'm not like that! I never kiss strange men!
-I know, you have a fiancee! (he said seriously)
-No...I mean yes and you?
-you have a fiancee or a girl friend? ...I'm sure you have one!
-not in your business!
-oh it means you have a girl in your life! (she smiles innocently)...
(silence...he still holding...he moves back, taking the safe distance between them...both look down...silence...again...something that she hates a lot, she has to talk)
-(she tries to be cool...all the situation was a pure mess but...she remembers, she killed someone maybe)...did I kill him? (yes that was important)
After some times , she repeats:
-please, sir, answer!
he murmured...finally:
-you didn't killed him! I check out...and some neighbors saw him...they will call a doctor for him...
surprised, she looks up at him...she's happy...
she can't meet his eyes...he was avoiding her eyes...
-My name is Khushi!
She murmured, feeling the need to tell him her name...atleast,they should know the name of each other...after the mess of kisses...and after knowing that she's not a criminal!
he leave her again and he enter to the kitchen...she sits on the bed again...thinking about all that...she can't was already night and what if she meet another Shyam!...staying here was more safe!...tomorrow morning, she will run away...and that man will never saw her means she has not to feel guilty about the kisses and moreover, he has a girl in his life, so he will not think of following her or something!
After a moment, he comes again..
him:-I want to sleep!
what?...sleep? keeps silent...
Him:-I used to sleep from 10 pm because I should wake up 7am, so...
-move from the bed!
her lips form a perfect O
-the bed?
he gestured to show her where she is sitting...she stands up and he comes towards her...confused, she doesn't know what he will do but he simply, lay down on the bed...she can't rude he's?... laying with all his body in the bed, he doesn't even let her some space to sit in...closing his eyes...Seems to be so let a girl standing like that!
K:-and me?
-stay and spend the night here! it's dark! and there are many dogs all around, in the neigborhood!
-mmm (his eyes was closing, so sleepy and tired after the work and all what just happen with him)
-you will sleep?
-I will stay here till morning!
he doesn't bother to give her the bed or what? the romantic movies, the hero gives the girl his bed and lay on the floor! but...she can tolerate, he has never watch such movies! he's not this kind of guys! surely!
she stands up, and was about to go to the kitchen to bring a chair...she remembers that she saw two chairs there! when the light cuts off...she jerked...she shivered...she hates the dark... terrified...she asks him:
-Please, sir, something! the light!
-please let me sleep, now!
-No...No... (she starts crying, all terrified) something! bring back the light!...please...please...where are you?...where are you?
she turned aroud herself...she's so terrified!
he feels that she's crying, her voice was a desperate voice...he left the bed and walks...he tends his hands to search her...the room was so dark...when he tends his hands, his hand met her hand that she also tends, searching him and the bed a second, she was in his arms...sticking to his chest, crying...
-I...I hate darkness...(sobs) I...(sobs) m scared, scared!'s fine, now, I'm here...
sobbing, she hugs him tightly...
-it's normal...they cut the light every night!
he wants to move back to wipe her cheeks...he's feeling her wet and warm tears on his T-shirt...on his chest...
-No! No! stay!
he hugs her...
-ok! ok!...listen I think I have a candle here...I should see in my closet, ok?
-No! don't let off me!
-ok!...ok!... we will walk together to the bed, first!
hugging her from the side, he guides her to the bed...
-stay here...
she sits down on the bed...
-Ok! now! you will close your eyes! stay...stay with me!
he holds her hand...
-I'm with you but do as I say!
she closes her eyes...
-count to ten and I will give the light back! promise!
-No! (she holds his hand tightly)
-I said, promise!
she keeps silent...his voice, his promise make her calm down...
-start counting!
Khushi starts
9 -sir?
10_ open your eyes!
when she opens her eyes...a light of a candle appears to her eyes...light after dark...she looks at this light...satisfied...and behind, she could saw his face, clearly...and he could saw her face...shining
his her a feeling of a soft security...
her eyes...despite the him a feeling of a soft stability...
his lips...not strange anymore...hiding a secret smile of satisfaction...
her lips...not strange anymore...smiling innocently...
he brings the light to her...
she brings the shine to him...
him:-when I was kid...I used to fear the dark as well...and my mother used to do this with me...
she smiles...
her:-when I was kid, I doesn't fear the mother was always there for, I never felt any fear...but...but...after Iosing her...I hate the dark...I hate it...(tears dropped from her eyes, slowly)
-I lost my mother too...(he holds her hand)...I know what it feel...but don't cry! I believe, she can be here and... if she saw you like this!...she will be upset!
-Nothing! just don't cry!
she wipes her cheeks...
-ok!...thank you!...but...what's your name?...please, answer, me! I told you my name is Khushi!
-Arnav! (she repeats)...Arnav!...Arnav, you're my new friend! you accept?
his name sounds good...sounds different, pronouncing by her...and her name ''Khushi''...happiness...happiness...he hasn't the right to be follow the, first day, he talks about his mother, after many years...he doesn't want to speak about the past...that bad memory when the death kidnap dear persons...the sadness is living inside him...and he haven't the chance to speak about this to any one before...even his parents, his mum, he won't to talk about this to any one, especially a stranger...
Ar:-it's late! I should sleep!
Arnav fixed the candel on the table...
she observes him with a pouty face...
she's also crazy...can we ask someone to be our friend after having kissing him?
Again, he lay on the bed...and she was obliged to sit in the corner of the bed...he takes all the space and she was sitting in a small place...
can someone be that rude after showing his soft side ?...
when he talks about his mother and him and about the fact that he belives that maybe her mother was here and seeing her, she believed this too ...she felt something...Both have lived the same souffrance of being without a mum...a mother who takes care...who gives the love...all the love...
Khushi...being sitting like that...succded to close her eyes...the light of the candle...his voice and image dominate her mind ...
''open your eyes''
his face
how familiar
his hidden smile
how cute
he smells the virility...he smells the Man...his hug is so strong...
what was that?
"we should stop"
desespertly...he means we should don't stop...
that kiss...she kissed him in the kitchen and a shameless a crazy...but he was irresistible...
she falls asleep...****
Note : I hope that you're enjoying!
don't forget to left your comments
this is so amazing
ReplyDeletehow beautifuly u describe all
i just hooked with that dark scene
so good
love u
ReplyDeletenice part loved it