kisssssss....for my readers...

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

My Dream come true! Final chapter*** part A

My Dream come True
Final chapter
Part A

Note : there will be part B too that I will post soon

Maan looks at Arnav with angry eyes…
Arnav asked
Maan answered seriously and briefly and looks to the other side…
-what Maan?...tell me? there any problem?...look…how it is?
Arnav said opening his hands and showing his friend the  sherwani he’s wearing for the first time in his life…
Maan checked his head without a single smile
-Arnav, you know? Traditional clothes don’t sweet you at all!
Akash cries out
-Arnav! Don’t listen to Maan! He’s just…little nervous as you will take his sister away!
Maan objected
-are you kidding me?...of course not! I…
Arnav  stopped him
-is that why you’re making a face all the day long?
-No…I mean…
Maan was troubled…
Yes! he loves his little sister and just couldn’t imagine the life without her antics and childishness…
-I will kill you Arnav Singh Raizada if you don’t take care and protect my sister! I swear!
Arnav looks seriously at Maan…Maan looks at him, challenging, warning and making his eyes wide
-how can I make you understand that she’s more important than anything else in my life!
-you don’t have to express yourself that romantically before me, Arnav!
Akash held Maan’s shoulder
-yeah…he’s her brother, bahai…I mean…
Maan acts he’s angry…
-Akash is right!
Arnav takes a deep breath and runs his hand over his hair…
Today, he’s nervous already and those two are just adding to it!
In the other hand:
Payal makes khushi wears her last green bangle and then held her two hands…
-you’re looking wow…stunning!
-God bless you my sweet daughter!
Garima said wiping a tear in the corner of her eye…
-oh…Amma don’t cry please…are you crying?
Khushi said and was about to get up…
-oh no…put the lipstick on, first!
Aarti said…
Payal whispered something in her amma’s ear…
And Garima looked at Aarti…and smiled
-thank you beta for helping as for all the wedding days…
Aarti troubled and blushed furiously:
-it’s nothing aunty…Payal and Khushi are my sisters!
Garima nodded smiling and then:
-come on khushi, your family in law are in their way! Continue getting ready soon!
-Mum, you mean the groom is on his way?
Payal bitted her lower lip and looked at khushi…smiled teasing her…
Khushi blushed…
She’s all ready with her light pink and green lehenga…

But one this is missing her second payal in her ankle, she doesn’t find it…
It was ok…she will not be stressed for one thing…
Aarti side hugged her and both look at their reflection in the mirror…
-Are you scared?
Aarti asked smiling to khushi
-no…why to be scared!

Khushi tried to smile and then turned again to be worried…
-oh yes! I’m little bit scared!
Both giggled

-Aarti? I think you will also marry my brother so soon!
Aarti looked surprised
-those smiles and blushes between you and Amma…I think…well…I think that Amma will visit soon uncle and aunty!
Aarti turned the other side, acting like she’s searching for something…
-khushi?! it’s you who has to be troubled, so don’t make people blush and confused!
Payal said looking at her sister
-Arnav is here!
She said finally and khushi’s heart stopped beating…
-he’s here…
khushi repeated in a whisper…

-khushi…come on!
The girls bring khushi down to where the shadi will take place…
It will take place in a vast area in the huge garden of Raizada villa…
Khushi got ready in the family villa itself and Arnav in his apartment with all the guys…
The entire place was decorated by white curtains and white and light pink flowers…

And when the bride walked in…all the guests turned to look at her and her beauty…
But her eyes searched one and only gaze…
She walked near the mandap where the priest and Arnav and their families are waiting for her only…

She shivered looking at all that and was so troubled to look at him…her so soon to be completely her husband…
-first, khushi, beta, you should exchange the garlands!
Garima whispered to remind her and Payal gave her the wedding garland…
That’s when she could looks up at her Arnavji…
She whispered so low to that he was the only one able to hear her…
“Miss Gupta…”
He smirked getting close of her
“oh…I mean Mrs. Raizada”
He said getting closer and placed the garland around her neck…
Surprised, she wanted to do the same but he gets away to tease her…and finds behind him a not amused Maan…crossing his hands:
-let her…
Maan ordered…
Khushi giggled at her brother antics to protect her, wherever and whenever and she puts the garland around Arnav’s neck so fast…
All the guests clapped joyfully…

And then start the mandap ceremony
Khushi and Arnav took blessing of their parents and the elders of their both families…
Arnav makes her wear the mangalsutra and felled her maang with the sindoor…and khushi was retaining herself not to cry…

Seeing the sacred fire and the priest…khushi felt all affected and her eyes getting tearier…
Arnav wants to talk to her but people are so many around them…
Khushi and Arnav stands to fulfill the next ritual…
And khushi thought…
She goanna get married…her dream of being a beautiful bride has come true…
But it wasn’t only that, her dream!!!
Actually, she was absolutely wrong when she thought that she wants only to a beautiful bride…
What is more important is that she has Him…
The man with all the love and care he has to her, the love that it doesn’t exist even in her dreams…
the person is her boss…but now...he's her husband too...
She remembered all the times he was angry on her in the office and all the times, she felt there is something about all that anger…there is passion that she couldn’t understand that time…
He did all that to catch her attention…her boss was in love with her till the first day and she was so stupid to understand him…
The priest starts reciting the hymens…
The couple takes round of the holy fire…

Starts the seven vows…
For provision and nourishment
For strength
For prosperity
For family
For progeny
For health
For love…
Once the seven steps done…khushi felt Arnav’s hand holding hers so tight…
He’s smiling…
“you’re my wife”
He whispered

They took the blessing of the elders again who blessed and congratulate them…
And then the party starts…
The wedding dinner and a Dj was there to animate the night

And like that khushi and Arnav has the most incredible wedding in the world…

By the end of the night and almost morning…
Arnav picked up his bride in his arms and then left all discretely…

-what?...Arnavji…put me down!
Arnav was carrying her only to his car…not listening to her…
-Arnavji! They don’t even know we left!
-it’s not like I’m kidnapping you, khushi! you’re my wife!
Arnav opens the door of his car and puts down Khushi to that she can get in…
Arnav gets in too and looks her side to smirk that irresistible smirk…

she looks troubled

-we can at least inform someone!
-they are so busy dancing!
-where we are going?
She asked when he starts driving away from the villa
-to our home!
Arnav looks at her and raised his eye brow
-and you choose who to come with us?
-I thought…your parents will live with us too…
-No…khushi…it’s about only you and me!
Arnav said and concentrated on driving…
And holds her hand same time…and kissed her palm where a letter “A” was drawn by the mehendi in the center of her palm…

Note: sorry if I made mistakes when describing the shadi rituals...
I'm not sure of anything, I tried my find how to describe it nicely but...
I hope you like any way and don't blame if there is any mistake ;)


  1. so so so beautiful and Where Arnav is taking her yaar? pls update the next part soon.

    1. hihhihihihihiii...of course home :p
      thank u for always commenting and loving my updates dear and also, I discover that you and me read and love almost the same Arshi FF writers ;)

    2. yeah even i noticed that.

      same pinch hahahha

  2. Realy awesome the way que tu as expliquee la nervousite du khushi wile seeing the fire ooo tjr a nervous khushi biting her nail like me.
    Whe she saw him and said Sir it.s so funny and his reply miss Gupta.
    Enfin her mind recal the way he was behaving with her from the first day so all that called love.
    My crazy girl you know we share almost the same thought .love you lot.
    The last part was so emotional she thought he kidnap her but nooo miss raizada he taking you to your home.

    1. My dear Najat
      missing your lovely comment here
      always so special to my heart
      of course we understand each other
      :***** (many kisses and love )

  3. Awesome like always.. Luved it.

  4. Awesome updt
    Khyr00n (if)

  5. SOOOO sweet and romantic update ...loved the way he had kidnapped his wife ;) will be waiting for next part it soon and plz plz dont forget my Girl update .. waiting for it

  6. aweee soo cute romantic and lovely update
    just super awesome

  7. awesome update
    loved it <3



  9. amazing update.der a couple now.can't wait for next part.adhu11

  10. Loved d update
    OMG dey r married
    Thanx for pm

    --MISHTEE-- (IF)

  11. awesome update. loved it

    sfghfj (IF)

  12. Waah they got married..Haha they are eloping literally...

  13. love maan charecter in it
    update B part soon

  14. wow! beautiful last part.......
    maan OMG he is so childish yaar.......
    akash really right........
    arnav understand maan's concern.....
    khushi beautiful bride.........
    arti also get marry soon to maan.......
    finally ArShi married.........
    arnav took her to home lone....
    aha ahem ahem coming ;)
    update soon..........

  15. Amazing update. Maan passing angry looks at arnav for taking his sister away and ordering arnav to let her put garland were cute and beautiful scenes. Loved maan and aarti's character. Khushi thinking about her dream as a beautiful bride was beautiful. Thanks 4 pm

  16. awesome update dear plz update soon

  17. God!!!!!!!
    how i love this story!!!!!!!
    i always wait for its update but the news of its ending hurting me
    what a perfect marriage you describe my dear
    waiting for to see what happen in the next chapter
    thank you so much for writting it my dear
    i love you :***
