The Forced Marriage
Part 55 and Final part...
yes, my babies...
this is the end of my first baby, my FF...
I wanted a romantic end...
and I think it's romantic one...well
all this is thanks to you all...
when I wrote the first part of my FF, to be honest
I wasn't sure people will like the concept...and I wasn't sure about what will come next...I was happy when people want to see what will happen next and continue it...
it was a really good and lovely experience...
I'm all happy about your comments and likes... and about knowing some of you...(god bless and protect you all)
HUG...a big one to all my pretty friends, they will know themselves ;)
hey!...wait for a long epilogue
What the...
of course I will write a huge one...
so, Be Close
xo xo the crazy Girl...
I will reply to each comment today check the comments, here, after...I love you...
Khushi was
shocked, surprised by his did…he’s taking off the ring but why ?!...but
the way he’s taking off that ring was quite sexy that she was sure that nothing
is wrong with what he did, still, she is worried…why is he doing that?!! She
remembers the way he’s giving her that ring, ordering her to wear it, in the past…and she
doesn’t know why but she smiles, seeing the difference between his behavior now
and his behavior months back…now, her Arnav is becoming more and more
romantic…still, in bed…this was another matter…he still dominate, he still harsh
and she likes it!, not that she doesn’t want to lead things, sometimes, but she
prefers him that way and seems like he knows her likes and dislikes, he knows
her like himself and she gets surprised, always seeing that he’s doing the thing that
she’s about to ask him for before she pronounce any word…Magic! She
thought…but, he still mysterious to her, like this instant when he takes off
the ring that way…
are you? Daydreaming?
Payal!, come, they will exchange the rings, soon!
-yes! Let’s
eyes searched him…but he was nowhere to be seen…she tuned here and there but
where is he…
Arnav was
seeing her…tensed…in a corner, he was enjoying seeing her throw his
camera…zooming her…he is smiling, seeing her tensed, searching him with her beautiful
eyes and then faking a smile to Payal who was talking to her…he zoom her
eyes…and then her smile…It will be a sincere one, soon…and in his camera
screen, he was seeing, she’s looking his way…he smiles and she starts doing
some faces expressions to him: pulling out her tongue like kids, trying to arch
one eyebrow like him, moving her head like old aunties do when they are
angry…he laughs from his heart and she laughs too…he smiles, now, seeing her
not throw the screen…he closed the camera, giving it to Akash, without breaking
the eye contact with her…
phenomenal! (he whispered in her ears)
smiles…he holds her hand….
you repeat for me how you arched only one eyebrow!
She looks
at him and did it but did it wrong…he laughs again
Kh:-what? (she pouted her lips)
Ar:-I love
smiles:-why you took my ring?
I think that Aman will give my sister the engagement ring!
looks towards the couple and smiles but she was disappointed she doesn’t
receive any answer from him!
Aman and
Anjeli are looking perfect together…thought
this is why their respective families accept this union so fast…
Anjeli was
in her baby pink saree…looking so beautiful and Aman deserves that beauty as he
was looking only at her…paying attention at all her moves with a protective gaze…taking her hand
between his, he kisses her hand and then his mother gives him the ring which he
puts it on the finger of his Anjeli and Khushi was there to give Anjeli the
ring which she puts in Aman’s finger…
and guests clap…throwing sweet comments of congratulations…Anjeli and Aman are smiling like
stupid, feeling somehow reveled…after taking this important step…they had the
blessing of the older ones and Anjeli hugs her mum and Payal and mami tight…she
hugs Khushi more tightky, knowing that, if she’s here today, getting engaged it’s
only thinks to her: khushi…
Khushi hugs
Anjeli back and winked to Aman…she was
about to walk towards Arnav but he’s the one who walks towards her, holding her
hand…first, he kisses her sister’s forehead and then he looks at Aman from head
to bottom angrily…Aman gets nervous, his smile vanished but finally Arnav
smiles, he gives him a high five but it was too strong…that Aman holds his hand from pain...
Arnav looks
at Khushi:
Ar:-take a deep breath...(he said with his husky voice)
He looks at
the other and speaks a little loudly:
All the
mouths shut and all the eyes are on him, now…
Khushi was
a little bit worried, he was holding her hand, for this, he knows, she will be
shy and nervous, seeing all those people staring at them….even him, he is
nervous because he has to speak a lot to explain the situation of someone who
is already married but wants to get engaged and married anew:
-when we
get married, me and my wife Khushi (he looks at her smiling to assure her)…it
was in Lucknow and then (he looks at his mum) my mother, my sister (he looks at
Anjeli) and all my family hasn’t the chance to be present…it was fast (he looks
at Khushi)…I know it wasn’t perfect, it wasn't good at all...(he said a little bit said)...but I think and she thinks as well that our
marriage was a blessing…a blessing that we met and have the chance to know each
Tears drop,
immediately, from Khushi’s eyes but why he’s saying all that to them?!?
-it was
maybe a blessing but I want it to be a dream like!...I want to my family to be
present at my wedding and I want to my wife to enjoy her wedding fully…so! I’m
announcing to all of you that our marriage will be in the same time as
Aman-Anjeli’s wedding…all the rituals will be in the same time…
He was
looking at his mother and saw tears of joy in her eyes…that was exactly what he
wants to see…khushi’s hand is so cold in his hand…he knows she’s crying,
getting emotional…he whispers near to her ear:
he makes her look at him...
starts sobbing like babies…
He wiped
her cheeks, amused…
They are all looking at us, baby…(he whispered again to that no one could hear
anything but her)…we didn’t have the occasion to do that before …Asking you to
marry me…you like it?, no…
But it was
too late…she was in his arms crying and he has to calm her now, because still,
he doesn’t propose, properly to her, yet…
Thanks god,
all the guests are clapping…amused by the emotional-dramatic-romantic scene…
Aman and
his father are whistling like in theatre and Aarti was trying to stop them…but
she was too absorbed, seeing Arnav and Khushi…Anjeli joining her hands seeing
them…her eyes are shining…side hugging her mum who is in tears…
Akash was
holding Payal who is now…posing her head on his shoulder…getting affected...Akash gives her his hanky...
Mami, a
little bit, jealous, still she doesn’t love that girl named Khushi too much…but she loves Arnav and couldn't say anything at all...
And Dadi
was fuming…because days back, she was convincing him to divorce her…reminding
him about his father and now…seems like all her words aren’t heard by
him…he’s getting married, again with that girl…still…even, if he goanna marry
her 1000 times, she still hates her…she will try to convince him, always to
leave her…
pulled back to see his wife who still crying but he’s amused that every emotion
bring her to his arms…and now the girl who don’t want even to that he touch her
hand before the others, is hugging him before all those people…
Arnav holds
her hand…
Leaned and
sits in one knee…
He looks
straight at her eyes:
asking you Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada…will you marry me?
With that
Arnav takes out a red box and open it…
-Will you
marry me, Khushi?
looks at him…his face…his love reflected on his face…she can’t believe that…she
looks at the red box…with that lovely ring inside…an engagement ring, a true
She heard
some claps …
She has the
reaction to take a look at the others to be sure she’s not dreaming…at Arpita’s
peaceful smile, despite the tears… and all of them who are smiling and
clapping…Anjeli was in heaven…joining her two hands like she was prying…Aman
winks to her, smiling…she looks at Payal and this one yelled:
on! Say yes!
Akash was now
taking a video with Arnav’s camera…
Khushi was
looking at all this…but couldn’t understand or believe…is it her
engagement? she dreaming? she… She was like she’s living a romantic
No! it was
even more romantic, more beautiful than all the movies…
don’t want to say yes?
looks at him as he was talking Chinese…
you ok?
Khushi would fall ….about to faint by the emotion…losing her balance…Arnav was
there to hold her, in his arms:
She looks
at him, eyes, half closed:
-Are you
He kisses
the tears on her cheeks wiping them by his kisses….
-yes, what?
-yes! I
accept but still I’m your wife, even before this…you don’t have to ask me….
-I know
this romantic show but there is some old aunties, in here, who are thinking this is a romantic drama and would ask for
more scenes like that in next episode…so…
wanted to answer Aman but Aman was right…
He was
holding Khushi in such inappropriate way…he has kissed her cheeks
romantically…they was whispering to each other…ignoring the world around them…
getting conscious by the situation, she stands by her own and he takes her hand
to make her wear the ring…
She was all
happy …still she couldn’t believe all that…
When Arnav
makes her wear the ring and she’s about to make him wear his new ring too…
She noticed
the engraver inside his ring and looks at Arnav…he was smiling… she wanted to
kiss him on his lips…but she knows she can’t…
girls come and hugs her…a big
hug…she took the blessing of her mother in law and Nani and mamiji and
hesitates when she thought about Dadi, she looks around for her but she wasn’t
there at all….
She heard
piano sound and some wonderful and so romantic music is played…she doesn’t know
about that piece of music but it was so…that music makes her heart beats fast
and she looks at him and he was also looking at her too…
(do listen the music: it's rabba Ve on piano while you're reading this part...)
She smiles…
He smiles
He noticed
her by the eyes to follow him…and she does…
Arnav walks
to the decorated poolside…
And Khushi
was behind him…
The piano
melody is following them…as well…
When she
enters the poolside…
She can’t
see him…at first…but she feels him… he’s there…
Before she
pronounced his name…
She saw his
understand…she shouldn’t say anything…
He holds
her waist…
He knows as
well that there are no more words to say…
His hand
touches her soft cheek and she closes her eyes…
She holds
him as well…so tight…making him so close to her…
She opens
her eyes; gradually…she wanted to say I love you to him…
But her
gaze was enough for him to know what she wanted to say…
leaned…towards her lips to touch them…to kiss them…but she was faster than him
and she takes his lips for a passionate one…and he kisses her back…
The soft
breeze like holding them…encouraging them to be closer from each other…
Seems like
all the bad memories are deleting from their minds…and a new happy life is
waiting for them…
But the
most important thing was they are together for the happiness and the sorrow…
They know
that life can put them in many difficulties but…they are ready to face it all,
only because they are together…
In his
arms…she feels complete…
In her
arms…he feels that he exist…
Her forced
marriage was far away now because she could only see her present and future
with him…
him…she knows she’s protected…
With her…he
knows he’s safe…
Don’t say anything, please…
-I won’t…I’m
goanna just act now…you know…some hard work is waiting for us…
(she bits her naughty husband, playfully, all smiling shyly)
-you know,
I want to all our wedding to be recorded in videos…to that our baby could watch
want to say something…but I’m really…should I tell you that?
-what? Of
course you should tell me!
really so…embarassing...ohhh…I’m so confused but …
-tell me!
-Oh! I don’t
know if you’re the right person to whom I should tell this but mum is not
here and you’re the second one, I could t…
-tell me,
he keeps looking at her and she whispered in
his ear something...
Ar:-is that
something someone could be shy of it?...I’m your husband Khushi…it’s normal
that I know about your period…what?!!...two months and you didn’t get
He almost
yelled…Khushi puts her hand on his mouth to stop him:
-shut up!
-of course!
We make love every night and everything is alright, why I didn’t think about
that before (he smirks)
-but I’m
normal Arnav…I mean no nausea, nothing…still it’s not sure…I should visit a
gynecologist tomorrow…
-No! I
can’t we will buy a pregnancy test, now!
Don’t!...tomorrow…both, we will visit the doctor! I want to be sure that way!
-ok! fine! let's be calm or...
He holds
-let me
touch and I will tell you…
He touches
her tummy…
Arnav! will not be able to know by just touching!
-ok! Then I
will kiss it
He kisses
her tummy…
-Arnav! You
don’t want to miss any occasion to be naughty? Isn’t it?
-you’re right!
-I know…
He takes
her towards the pool…it wasn’t deep at all, water could only touch their feet
to their ankles…he takes off his shoes and so she did…they stand inside the
pool…where the moon image is reflected there… and that’s why Arnav wanted to
that they stand there to see her face very clearly under the moon light…
Khushi all
excited…and Arnav was just happy…but he couldn’t describe very well his mood in
that moment…he's more than just happy...he just carries her and spins around...he puts her down...
He takes
her waist but this time for a slow dance…as they still can hear the piano’s
…both dance, slowly together holding each other…
they hear a voice…they turn and see Anjeli, Aman, Akash and Payal at the
French window…
Aman :-hey
jijaji! Why you prefer to dance here alone, you both! Come dance with us all!
You’re here? (She smiles excited)
Akash was
smiling:-if bhai want to stay here, no problem…
course, it’s a problem, they are all asking for you inside, lovebirds!
Arnav and
Khushi smile….
right! We are coming!
You go, people and we will follow you!
They went
inside…all happy and dancing…
But Arshi
couldn’t join them yet…
They can’t
stop dancing that love dance…swinging with the piano melody…a melody which
seems created only for them…in that poolside…under the light of the moon, the
light of their smiles and loving eyes…
waiting for your comments
love you all...
PS: I want to thank especially: Ruki ;), naughty rain ;), Mrs Raizada (Laxallovearshi), the famous Jyo.Arshi.IPK, the little jenji08 (and her mum ;))....and all my friends
PS: I want to thank especially: Ruki ;), naughty rain ;), Mrs Raizada (Laxallovearshi), the famous Jyo.Arshi.IPK, the little jenji08 (and her mum ;))....and all my friends
Beautiful and romantic ending to a beautiful FF
ReplyDeletethanks my dear, you're a sweetheart :*
Deletetears on my eyes soo know what i can't concentrate at reading cause of the front picture of our, handsome and naugty arnav.and our princess khushi.plz crazy girl can put a new ff like this ful of romance and love.
ReplyDeletemy god dear're a romantic person that's why you get affected :*
Deleteyes I will try maybe to write another FF...
thank you so much
WOW..... what to say..... speechless......
ReplyDeletemain bas kho gai thi...... how can u write soooo amazingly........!!!!!!
May Allah bless u always..... :)
dear Mamia...
DeleteI don't know what to said...
thank you dear thank you so much ;)
loved it you made us into emotional fools this idiot cousin of mines is crying over my shoulder loved the ending so cute and sweet and yes a really tear jerk awesome ending baby on the way love them dancing to the end beautiful thanks for the pm and a rocking ff ( she was crying also )
ReplyDelete:DDDD I can imagine you reading and your cousin crying over your shoulder :DDDD
Deletethank you Dumas...
thank you for all your comments ;)
Such a beautiful ending
ReplyDeletethank you dear :)
Deletebeautiful ending
ReplyDeletelovd it a lot
meenaluma thank you so much ;)
DeleteAwwwww how cute. Feeling bad that this FF is ending :-(( Waiting for epilouge.
ReplyDeletethank you priyanka...
Deleteme too I'm feeling bad for that...
and every thing had an end ;)
This was the final part*sniff*..
ReplyDeleteWhy are you ending this ff?? I love it so much..
Btw, the ending was beautiful.. It was romantic..
Wow!! Khushi is pregnant!!
Waiting for your long epilogue.. Please make it really long..
Thanks for the pm..
yes promise...a so long one ;)
Deletethank you for loving my means so much for me
thanks :*
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteawwww thanks thank you arshi137 many kisses dear
Deletei will miss this FF so much it was one of my babies too lol
ReplyDeletei remember how i read all the 37 chapters in one go in just a day because of how interesting it was
loved this chapter so much ...awww khushi is pregnant so cute :)
Arnav should be happy now all their efforts didn't go by waste.. thumbs up for the naughty couple hehehe :P
will i ask for too much if i ask for an epilogue?...i would love to read something on khushi's pregnancy and the daddy and baby relationship...but if you can't its ok i like it in anyway its such a lovely work :*
oppss sorry i just read that you will write an epilogue and a long one lol
Deletei was rushing to read the chapter so didnt notice ;)
you're so sweet considering my FF one of your babies ^^
Deletelol about Arnav and Khushi yes they deserve it after all what they did together :p
thank you dear for your cute lovely comment
hey cant belive is the end of this ff but love the ending love how he proposed to her
ReplyDeleteperfect ending beatifully written awesome writer
looking forward to the epilogue cant wait
update soon
thanks for the pm
thank you dear're so lovely!
Deletehappy you love it...
thank you again
love the ending
thank you my darling ;)
ReplyDeleteTHE FULL STORY WAS EXCELLENT..................
thank you dear but you forget to put your name
DeleteAmazing update loved the ending aww she is pregnant, and he gave her a romantic engagement and the wedding she had wanted. Loved it wow did you play the piano that was too good. Thank you for giving us this story Are you going to write season 2 for this story???? Thanks for the pm.
ReplyDeleteThank you Paramjit! :* for always commenting!
Deleteno the one who's playing the piano is not me
hope I can do like her :p
I don't know what I will do next
awesome end...
ReplyDeletewith a good news and their marriage :D...
and i want an epilouge plzz like 3pairs holding their
tht will be superb i think kst an idea thts all..
thnx 4 pm :D
beautiful ending to the ff.loved it........
Really sad that it's ending but loved it and can't wait for the epilogue
ReplyDelete- surita12
Such a wonderful ending ! Will be missing this FF
amazing updt
ReplyDeleteluv it
beautiful ending
Awwww such a Sweeet update Arnav is such a sweetheart
ReplyDeletesuper duper ending and such a romantic one...loved it very much....will miss this ff
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I am sooooooooo sorry for such a late reply...sorry sorry sorry
ReplyDeleteOkay now back to what I want to say, What da!!!!! An unannounced ending??? Why god why?? But if I be truthful, this is the perfect ending and I was just being selfish :p awesome ...I mean this is what one can say perfect finishing...I loved loved loved loved it sooooooooooooooo much.......will remember this ff forever...for a lot of reasons...
Thank you Crazy for giving us such a beautiful story..I hope you'll update unfaithful and my girl more often now ;)
A big bear hug to you
Naughty rain :)
And I demand the epilogue ASAP lol, I don't know how I will cope...forced marriage was sooo close to my heart!!!
Deleteawesome ending......
ReplyDeleteloved it.
thanks for the pm in IF ...... pavi1
dear u end it i'm following this ff from part 40...but i've read all 39 parts before tht in one go........
ReplyDeleteit was really beautiful ending.......
arnav totally surprised khushi.....
khushi was worried y he took off the ring...
thn their announcement n engagement too lovely...
khushi missed her periods so she is already pregnant....
arnav so happy....
loved their kiss and dance......
anjali n aman also happy.......
n yes nw eagerly waiting fr epilogue.....
- Akorshi -
Beautiful update !!!! romantic ending ...
sorry for late comm ... Was Amazing update // im really gone miss this FF .. i wish if u could give u some EPILOGUE ..we need some HOT last MOMENT :D but any way UR the BEST gone miss this FF badly ..:D
ReplyDeleteAmazing ending awesome story well written ff we want forced marriage season 2 please please please
ReplyDeletesorry I forget to write my IF name [ASR6262]
Deletebeautiful story happy ending
Deletewaiting for epilogue looking forward another beautiful FF with arhi
thanx for pm
beautiful end dear :)
ReplyDeletemandy 15 :)
it was amazing........ just luvd it...
ReplyDeleteSuperb ending... Luvd it
ReplyDeleteDeep5128 (IF)
Awesome truesome, amazing and really loved this ff, started as forced marriage and end with loved :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful Story...